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herb mana alias

Posted: 15 Nov 2017 00:11
by bashere
Description: random mana herb array alias. Basically, I wanted some way to grab
a mana herb quickly without searching through my container.

Alias Command: mana
Script Type: Javascript

Usage: will randomly attempt to get one of the herbs defined in the mana array. I'll
spam the command until it comes up with an herb from my container.

Required changes: change 'qarraba' below to whatever container you use.

mana = [
"vampiric moss",
"tilhiyin root",

gwc.connection.send('open qarraba');
var item = mana[Math.floor(Math.random()*mana.length)];
gwc.connection.send( 'get ' + item + ' from jar' );
gwc.connection.send( 'eat ' + item);
gwc.connection.send('close qarraba');