Alignment restriction on quests.

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Alignment restriction on quests.

Post by Felagund » 03 Mar 2019 15:52

There are couple of quests that are restricted to certain alignment. Most obvious are those located in align- or race-restricted areas (Minas Morgul, Minas Tirith, Vingaard Keep, Rivendell, others?), some are not entrusted to those of alignment outside certain restrictions (Kato, Haradrim Chieftain, others?).

Few of those have equivalent for each alignment, but still there are some that have none, that making them impossible to complete for those of us who take the alignment idea more seriously. Also, there are guild-kicks and race restrictions to be considered.

Can we please have those restrictions for quests with no other-alignment equivalent removed or even temporarily lifted, as it is done in Sparkle (Karkadelt's amulet)? Make it very expensive or decaying over time, but please, let us complete everything there is without having to leave the chosen guild or race.

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Re: Alignment restriction on quests.

Post by Cherek » 03 Mar 2019 21:10

Felagund wrote:There are couple of quests that are restricted to certain alignment. Most obvious are those located in align- or race-restricted areas (Minas Morgul, Minas Tirith, Vingaard Keep, Rivendell, others?), some are not entrusted to those of alignment outside certain restrictions (Kato, Haradrim Chieftain, others?).

Few of those have equivalent for each alignment, but still there are some that have none, that making them impossible to complete for those of us who take the alignment idea more seriously. Also, there are guild-kicks and race restrictions to be considered.

Can we please have those restrictions for quests with no other-alignment equivalent removed or even temporarily lifted, as it is done in Sparkle (Karkadelt's amulet)? Make it very expensive or decaying over time, but please, let us complete everything there is without having to leave the chosen guild or race.
This topic has been discussed many many times during the years. I think most of us agree that it would be nice if there were no align or race restrictions on quests, or if there were "mirror" quests of both good and evil align. As you're probably aware, though, Genesis is created by a group of volunteers, so whether _anything_ is changed or added to the game completely depends on if someone is interested, and has the programming skills, to do it.

This is one thing in a VERY long list of potential improvements, but until someone volunteers to fix it, it will most likely remain on that list. Something players can do to help is to put together a complete list of quests with alignment or race restrictions. As far as I know, nobody knows exactly how many, and which, quests we are talking about. A complete list would be a good start, and it's probably something we need to work together to create.

However, that said, the amount of QXP you lose by not doing the restricted quests is most likely negligible in the long run (because I think there are relatively few, and many of them quite small). Still, the "workaround" of changing race to human and align back and forth simply to fill those quest orbs has always bugged me. It's not the best solution, and it's no fun at all for those who want to stick to their guild or RP seriously, but if you really want to finish ALL quests, that's currently the best way to do it.

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Re: Alignment restriction on quests.

Post by Felagund » 16 Mar 2019 23:26

As a player with 20 years of experience, I am aware the wizards do their excellent job for free and I am really grateful for that.

Here is the list, according to my knowledge. Hope it helps.

Quests restricted to good-aligned players:
1. Khalakhor (Cadu): number 21 Potion Quest and 22 Paint Dragon
2. Gondor: number 31: Beacon Signal Sabotage, 32: Corsair Captain, 38: Trust of the Haradrim

Quests restricted to evil-aligned players:
1. Shire: number 8 Writing Quest, number 9 Imladris forest
2. Krynn: number 6 Tour - Vingaard Keep Courtyard, 36 Knight Museum Tour, 37 Knights Spur Wood, 38 Question Draconian, 39 Free Draconian (not sure if not race-restriction: goblin)
3. Gondor: 1-8, 13, 33, 34, 35 (all require a possibility to enter MT), 17 Pelargir, 19 Ranger Trap, 20 The Enchanted Seed

In such situation, I think it is only fair if the new player is informed that when playing with certain alignment or race (especially goblin!) some portion of quests will be restricted.

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