Website rankings gratitude and a suggestion

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Website rankings gratitude and a suggestion

Post by Seren » 22 Apr 2012 17:16

Despite the fact I dont play anymore, I still love genesis with all of my heart. Genesis was a huge part of my life for many years.

However I stopped playing due to several reasons, which I shall not burden you with in this post - a few know howcome and that is sufficient.

Thank you Cherek for bringing back the rankings wesbite *cheer*!

Cherek wrote in your own post, that some stopped or play alot less with rankings gone, and we should inform people rankings are back and hope the numbers on genesis increase aswell!

I previously suggested something similair to the following, but it was never even commented on.

*Perhaps it would be good to besides having the current rankings, also having 1 for each base meaning STR, DEX, CON, INT, WIS, DIS?

Then we could see gnomes, elves topping INT/WIS, kenders/hobbits topping dex, dwarves/goblins topping STR/CON(/DIS for dwarves).

*Also what about a statavg rankings - or do some wizards and mortals find that too revealing to the public?

Another thing in genesis which would be nice.

*Also what about adding some more mortal levels to the game? (I am guessing that 50% of the active playerbase are already legend/myths)

*Aswell as adding more stats after supreme? (again pretty much most of the people have 1+ supreme stats)

By adding more mortal levels and individual stats, most people get a new goal or achievment to hunt for - similar to WoW achievements, you need a goal!

Once again I risk getting verbally attacked by even daring to suggest such things!

But I got nothing to lose and everything to win, since I do not play currently :D


Btw I heard a rumour that SCOP are closing in a near future, and that a new evil OCC/LAY/race/craft guild was opening, great new content! But still thinking about the balance in genesis, and it is moving towards evil even more that it already is currently. MM+AA+xDA vs inactive kniggits, calians, rangers and about to close SCOPs. Shouldnt it have been a goodie guild perhaps...

Wouldn't it be better to focus a bit more on the "dead" good aligned guilds and make them more interesting to play. Perhaps buff them a notch, since in the posts I have read on this forums are that noone plays the knights for example cause they suck after last nerf.

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Re: Website rankings gratitude and a suggestion

Post by Seren » 22 Apr 2012 17:34

And thanks to all the wizards and mortals who keep the game a live in their own ways - it is worth it, genesis is a fantastic game :D

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Re: Website rankings gratitude and a suggestion

Post by Uther » 22 Apr 2012 18:01

I agree with Seren.

The Good Aligned guilds are almost dead from what I hear and rumors tells you wanna close SCoP and then open another evil guild.

I haven't played Genesis either for a while, but still I care about the mud.

Ok wizzys up there. *shakes wizards and keeper and wakes them up*

What are the plans for the good aligned guilds, to get more people to play those?

And if you do play a Knight for example, and you end up in a pfight with a baddie, he will then call for his MM friend, or login his MM second and come and kill you.
What can you do alone against an MM as a Knight? Block them? You are dead even before you can mail a ranger or Scop to ask for cleansing.
Oh I forgot there are almost noone active in those guilds. Then you die, and what is the use to play a knight when there are around 5-6 BDA/RDA online in myth/supermyth size online and you are solo as a knight, you will constantly get hunted. You have no people to team with since there are almost none active in the Alliance guilds.
I think I get the point why noone plays in the good aligned guilds since there are most baddies in the game and the good aligned guilds are less powered.

So I agree with Seren, buff the Knights a notch or so to start with. Make them more interesting to play.

How is the rebalance about the guilds going

All comments are made by the player behind Uther, NOT THE CHARACTER UTHER!

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Re: Website rankings gratitude and a suggestion

Post by Makfly » 22 Apr 2012 21:44

@seren & Uther
I think that if you don't play - Then your suggestions on improving the game, based on which guilds you think may or may not be active, are not very helpful.

The Knights aren't inactive, and there are evil guilds more inactive than several of the good guilds mentioned.

If you really want to improve the game, the best thing you can do is actually play it, as activity breeds activity. Also your suggestions for improvements would be a bit more in-line with what the game is actually like these days.
Mortimor Makfly - Gnomish Xeno-Anthropologist

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Re: Website rankings gratitude and a suggestion

Post by Seren » 22 Apr 2012 21:50

The guild-balance with evil vs good was probadly to be made in another thread - was a sudden idea and I shouldnt have written it.

The post was meant as a thank you note for the wizzes for bringing back rankings. Aswell as a suggestion what could be added to the rankings website. Aswell as a suggestion for the mortal title and extra stats when meditating.

Makfly alot of people speak their oppinion and comment on threads in the forum. Many of those doing so are ingame active, inactive, on a break or for whatever reasons completely stopped.

So how do you define playing... I am not entitled to write anything I assume :D

Last edited by Seren on 22 Apr 2012 22:21, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Website rankings gratitude and a suggestion

Post by Makfly » 22 Apr 2012 22:18

seren wrote:So how do you define playing... I am not entitled to write anything I assume :D

Well, you can write whatever you want.
Just that basing a suggestion on a premise that is wrong, and that you could've found that out by logging in somewhat regularly, is not the most helpful thing.
Mortimor Makfly - Gnomish Xeno-Anthropologist

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Re: Website rankings gratitude and a suggestion

Post by Cherek » 23 Apr 2012 02:07

Thanks Seren. I'll answer in regards to rankings.

Having rankings for each of the stats has been suggested by at least one other mortal too. Its definitely possible. If we want it? I personally feel we should not overdo it either. It will become messy and kinda unimportant if we have too many categories. But yeah, maybe?

As for achievements, I like that idea. I know Gorboth does too. As always its about actually someone doing it. Any suggestions on what types of achievements we should have? And in what form? Should there be rewards for reaching them? What types of rewards if so? Should there be top lists like the rankings?

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Re: Website rankings gratitude and a suggestion

Post by Draugor » 11 May 2012 12:54

Rankings are broke again :P They dont update, its the exact same as it was last week, and I know that alot of things have changed that the rankings didnt get.

An example is that FLuffy is NOT the leader of the minds now.

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Re: Website rankings gratitude and a suggestion

Post by Cherek » 11 May 2012 14:39

Draugor wrote:Rankings are broke again :P They dont update, its the exact same as it was last week, and I know that alot of things have changed that the rankings didnt get.

An example is that FLuffy is NOT the leader of the minds now.
You're correct. I'm aware of it, there is still something with the scheduled update that doesnt work. The goal is to have it fixed on monday when the next update is scheduled. I think we are getting closer to having it work each time we try at least.:) Lets cross our fingers and hope it works like it should on monday, and once it does it should keep working until the end of the donut. (knock on wood).

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Re: Website rankings gratitude and a suggestion

Post by Cherek » 12 May 2012 02:14

So, the rankings are updated once again. There is really nothing wrong with them, its just that the scripts that update the rankings doesnt wanna run when scheduled, and each monday a different problem has surfaced. But this time we're 99% sure it will work automatically each monday from now. But we'll know for sure on monday. (cross fingers).

This curent rankings are from wednesday this week, but it'll be mondays as usual in the future.

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