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Re: Brainstorming: Dis

Posted: 14 Aug 2017 21:14
by Dorrien
Gear decay, I am more disciplined and know how to use it better, this results in items degrading at a slower rate? ALMOST all guilds/players have to deal with gear degradation. Seems like an even playing field.

Maybe a max of 10% reduction at supreme DIS? Noticeable but wouldn't make the khopesh indestructible?

Re: Brainstorming: Dis

Posted: 20 Sep 2017 21:56
by gorboth
Dorrien wrote:Gear decay, I am more disciplined and know how to use it better, this results in items degrading at a slower rate? ALMOST all guilds/players have to deal with gear degradation. Seems like an even playing field.

Maybe a max of 10% reduction at supreme DIS? Noticeable but wouldn't make the khopesh indestructible?
I really, really like this idea.

Gear condition is something everyone in the game is interested in at some level. I do not like the idea of using raw stat numbers, but instead using a ratio to determine if dis is something you have in proportion to your other interests. So, dis vs stat ave. If your dis is equal to your stat ave, you get marked improvement in gear decay than if your dis is 20% lower than your ave, etc etc.

Hmmmmm ... !


Re: Brainstorming: Dis

Posted: 20 Sep 2017 22:26
by varian
I really like this idea, would love to see it as a boost to players in the game.

Re: Brainstorming: Dis

Posted: 20 Sep 2017 22:46
by gorboth
Yep - I am moving ahead with it. I am coordinating with the Admin and Liege Council to see about getting it implemented.

My current idea is to have it so that if you have dis significantly greater than your stat ave, your items no longer decay at all. Dis equal to your stat ave, item decay is cut in half of current levels. Dis significantly less than your stat ave, then decay of items is just as it is now.

In other words, this would nerf no-one (the worst that happens is you are stuck with what you already experience), and be a cool improvement for people who invest in dis.

Thematic justification:

Code: Select all

A disciplined individual takes care of their gear - taking the time to inspect
it regularly for wear and tear, sharpening and oiling blades, sewing and
mending as needed. Additionally, a disciplined warrior does not hack with
impunity in battle, knowing that certain types of strokes are more likely
to blunt or break a weapon, but instead use correct technique and finesse
so as to maintain the effectiveness and quality of the item.
Balance considerations:

Code: Select all

Zero decay on items might seem like a problem. However, this would only
be for players who decide that they want to sacrifice other very meaningful
stats to achieve this benefit. They would be pumping their exp into a stat
that does not make them fight any better, but instead makes their items
last longer. Thus, I feel it is perfectly acceptable to reward them with
such an extreme benefit.

Code: Select all

Also, new players would start with dis very close or equal to their
average, while older players would likely not have this as easily. Thus,
we do at least one thing that benefits younger players over older players
unless the older players really work hard to achieve it.
We'll see if it can get done.


Re: Brainstorming: Dis

Posted: 20 Sep 2017 23:22
by nils
I'm just gonna say it, so that it's said.

"Here Neidar, now you can tank forever!"

Re: Brainstorming: Dis

Posted: 20 Sep 2017 23:34
by Draugor
nils wrote:I'm just gonna say it, so that it's said.

"Here Neidar, now you can tank forever!"

Harr harr, its funny cause its true xD

Re: Brainstorming: Dis

Posted: 20 Sep 2017 23:41
by gorboth
Most Clan members I look at have dis lower than their average, so things would not change much for them unless they wanted to respec their stats and sacrifice str and con.


Re: Brainstorming: Dis

Posted: 20 Sep 2017 23:47
by Saimon
But you will have to add some messeage during meditation that will inform how your dis looks in comapre to avg. Without it players with sup stats will not be able to verify where they are in this subject...

Re: Brainstorming: Dis

Posted: 20 Sep 2017 23:51
by nils
gorboth wrote:Most Clan members I look at have dis lower than their average, so things would not change much for them unless they wanted to respec their stats and sacrifice str and con.

Yeah, status quo really gives insight into the future. Pretty sure Neidars (and knights) reap other benefits as well for focusing on dis, so double up the focus and in a couple of months you'll see Neidar-bots with indestructible fullplate body armour actually doing damage for a change. :lol:

Re: Brainstorming: Dis

Posted: 20 Sep 2017 23:57
by gorboth

Nils ... Pfff .... this is going to be cool. Hate if you must, but ... (see above)