Re. Beregond

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Joined: 03 Mar 2010 22:37

Re. Beregond

Post by Postmaster » 26 Jun 2008 18:34

Originally posted by Mortimor

I think it sounds like a very good idea.
What have plagued this game for a loong time,
probably from the beginning is a special kind
of Genesis corruption.
Wizard corruption and mortal corruption alike.
Now with the new captain at the wheel, it seems
like wizard corruption will be a thing of the past,
so it would be nice to see the same thing cleaned
up on the mortal side.

That players hold lifetime appointments over
guilds can be a shame, as it opens up for alot
of corruption and the closing off of game content.
Sometimes it's inactive guildleaders who block
entry into guilds, and close off content in that
way. Other times it's guildleaders who turn to
nepotism and corruption, and run their guild
like a club for friends only.

So it sounds like a good idea to me, plus it
does have alot of potential for Wizards to
inject missions etc to the guilds through those
NPC leaders.
Could be quite fun.

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