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End-of-summer report

Posted: 25 Sep 2017 23:47
by gorboth

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Esteemed fellow Genesis Enthusiasts,

Typically, I write some form of end-of-summer update to get a sense of how
things are with the Donut, taking a bit of time to muse on the general
health of the game in a less-comprehensive but similar manner to my annual
State of the Donut address each New Year.

I want to do a brief version of that now, a bit later than usual, just to
celebrate a few realities that I feel are worthy of attention. Progress and
achievements in Genesis are not always directly visible and easy to
appreciate, and the first aspect of what I want to focus on comes into this
category of things you may not otherwise have any way to know about.

Over the Summer, I have been very much hard at work myself, as Keeper, to
get a number of essential issues sorted out. The work I have been doing is
not the type of thing that anyone playing the game is likely to notice any
change from in their day-to-day experience in Genesis. But, it was something
that, in the big picture, was impacting absolutely everything about the game
in terms of the potential for future development and growth. The realities
I faced were these:

    1. Three of the Administrative positions in Genesis (AoB, AoE, and
       AoD) were staffed by wizards who, while qualified, were unable to
       give the needed level of activity to their job. This created a bottle-
       neck that stifled forward momentum in myriad ways.

    2. The manual for new wizards had not been given a re-write in nearly
       twenty years, and was not effective for training newly interested
       developers for the game.

So, over the summer I made it my goal to read every part of our wizard
manual and make sure it was up-to-date, correctly written, still-relevant,
or otherwise true. I also wrote many pages to the manual that were missing
and needed to be included. I then created a document for new wizards that
would summarize it all and give a comprehensive and helpful progression
through all the material that a wizard needs to know. Doing this gave me a
deep appreciation for the level of genius and industry granted us by our
founders, who created all the original material which I merely edited and

So ... that part got fixed.

Then, in the last month of the Summer and into these early days of Fall
I have striven to fix that first problem. Cotillion, Stern, and myself all
agreed that it was time we move aside and let people who have the time and
talent do the jobs that we have held (AoB, AoD, and AoE.) As you've read in
the last three posts about Admin appointments, those three positions are
newly staffed by Arman, Lucius, and Petros, respectively. This now means
that we have a completely functioning Administrative Staff in Genesis, all
of whom are veteran coders, well-versed in the nuances and complexities
of the game. They are:

    Arman      - Archwizard of Balance    (AoB)
    Cotillion  - Archwizard of Gamedriver (AoG)
    Gorboth    - Archwizard Keeper
    Lucius     - Archwizard of Domains    (AoD)
    Mercade    - Archwizard of Mudlib     (AoM)
    Mirandus   - Archwizard of Players    (AoP)
    Petros     - Archwizard of Events     (AoE)

I can very honestly say that I haven't been this excited about the Admin
and it's potential to move the game forward for nearly ten years. It was
the Admin ten years ago that set the goals we have finally come to see the
results for, and that decade-old admin who took us to where we are now. 

Let's look back. Here is the very best weekend we had in all of 2008, a
Saturday-Sunday which commanded our best numbers for the entire year in
terms of Average Per Hour (APH):

                     Comparisons between two time periods:
                                Jul 12 2008 = O
                                Jul 13 2008 = @
   42|                                                                O       
   40|                                                                O       
   38|                                                             O  O  .    
   36|                                                          .  O@ O  O    
   34|                                                       .  O  O@ O. O. . 
   32|                                                       O. O@ O@ O@ O@ O 
   30| O@                                        .   .  .  . O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O.
   28| O@ .                                    @ O   @  @ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@
   26| O@ O@  .                                @ O. .@ .@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@
   24| O@ O@  @                             . O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@
   22| O@ O@  @  .    .               .  @  @ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@
   20| O@ O@ .@  @ O  O  .@  .  .  @  @  @  @ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@
   18| O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O  O@  @  @  @  @  @  @ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@
   16| O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O  O@ .@ .@ O@ .@ O@ .@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@
P  14| O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@
L  12| O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@
A  10| O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@
Y   8| O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@
E   6| O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@
R   4| O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@
S   2| O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@
Hour | 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

        Mean daily average players per hour = 24.79
        Comparison average players per hour = 25.5

And now, let us fast foward nearly ten years to this last weekend we just had
which, as it happens, was the best we have seen in the history of the census
and by far the best of 2017:

                     Comparisons between two time periods:
                                Sep 23 2017 = O
                                Sep 24 2017 = @
   62|                                                                   O    
   60|                                                                O  O  O 
   58|  .  .                                                  @       O@ O  O 
   56|  @ .@                                               @  @     . O@ O@ O 
   54|  @ O@  @              .                             @  @  .  @ O@ O@ O.
   52| O@ O@ .@  @  .    .   @                             @  @  @ O@ O@ O@ O@
   50| O@ O@ O@  @  @ .  O   @ .                          O@  @  @ O@ O@ O@ O@
   48| O@ O@ O@  @ O@ O@ O  .@ O  .                       O@  @ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@
   46| O@ O@ O@  @ O@ O@ O@ O@ O  O  .                    O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@
   44| O@ O@ O@  @ O@ O@ O@ O@ O  O  O            .  .  . O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@
   42| O@ O@ O@  @ O@ O@ O@ O@ O  O  O  O         @  @  @ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@
   40| O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O  O@ O  O      .  @  @ .@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@
   38| O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O. O@ O  O  ..  @  @  @ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@
   36| O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O  O@ .@  @  @ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@
   34| O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O. O@ O@  @ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@
   32| O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ .@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@
   30| O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@
   28| O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@
   26| O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@
   24| O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@
   22| O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@
   20| O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@
   18| O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@
   16| O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@
P  14| O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@
L  12| O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@
A  10| O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@
Y   8| O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@
E   6| O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@
R   4| O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@
S   2| O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@ O@
Hour | 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

        Mean daily average players per hour = 47.08
        Comparison average players per hour = 48.25

Isn't that a pretty sight? :-) 

The original main goal with the new admin of 2008, famously (and dubiously)
stated by myself back in that year, was to double the playerbase. It took us
ten years to do it, but you can see above that we have not only achieved
that goal, but we have actually seen a tripling of our best weekend from that
year to our best (so far) of the current year.

With this newly minted admin, I am as excited for the future of Genesis as I
have ever been, my friends!

So much good and exciting work is afoot in the wizard world. Much of it you
may have heard about on the forum or spoken here in the game. Much of it,
though, will be revealed in time. And these are *GOOD* times. 

I look forward to penning a much more complete report when 2017 comes to
its final days, so look for a full and in-depth analysis when we arrive at the
New Year in January. For now, enjoy these successes. You are the ones who
arrive each day to see your <who> list populated with ever-more encouraging
ranks of fellow players. You are the ones who more and more often find the
docks of Sparkle bustling with players running two and fro. You are the ones
who now feel the realities of guilds which had long stood derelict and
vacant beginning again to blossom at the arrival of energetic newcomers. You
are the ones who enjoy new areas, new guilds, and new content as it comes
into reality in the realms. And, you are the ones who will carry us forward
into the future living out your daily adventures.

Onward ... and upward!

Re: End-of-summer report

Posted: 26 Sep 2017 00:31
by gorboth
Wow - am I awesome at math, or what? Meh. The graphs above clearly don't show a triple of anything - a double of our best weekend of 2008 to best of 2017, more like. The triple part came from the fact that I was gazing at the annual APH average in 2008, which was around 15.

Oh well. Goofy typos and errors are an important part of my legacy as Keeper. I must not hide the truth!!


Re: End-of-summer report

Posted: 26 Sep 2017 02:15
by Tindell
You still got me teared up and tingling with excitement, math mistakes and all. Excited to be part of the revival! Tin will endeavor to sling more pebbles and return more dropped items than ever before!

Re: End-of-summer report

Posted: 26 Sep 2017 08:08
by mallor
See, people heard Mallor is back in business and they're coming back to take a look, or even touch me... some with the tip of their sword... but still, the admiration is overwhelming!!! :D