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Event Machine Won't Work For Halloween

Posted: 30 Oct 2017 19:30
by petros

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Denizens of the Donut!

As you can probably tell, Halloween is just around the corner.
When I checked the pearl donations in the mvsevm, it looked
like there were quite a few pearls donated - over 4000! But
when I tried to turn on the event machine, it still wouldn't
turn on. I starting banging on it a few times it still wouldn't
work. Flustered and flabbergasted, I checked with a few
gnomes. They took the event machine apart and found the root
of the problem! It turns out that of all the players that pass
through the realms every day, there were only 42 total players
that donated *any* pearls. Excitement for a new event seemed
to be not enough to fuel the actual machine.

So now I'm coming to you pleading you to get the word out to
have folks that haven't donated a pearl to head over to the
mvsevm. Hopefully we'll get some excitement going so that we
can have a Fall/Harvest or Thanksgiving event going!

Petros, for the AoE team

PS. To encourage donations, there will be a small advantage
    granted in the next event for those that actually donate.