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Niedar Clan & Recode Update

Posted: 06 Jun 2009 00:00
by gorboth
Fellow Genesis Enthusiasts,

I am happy to announce that the long-awaited recode of the Dwarven Warriors
of the Neidar Clan has finally been performed to the satisfaction of the
Balance and Domain teams, as well as the Liege of Krynn. This brings our
progress to the following state:

Occupational Layman
============ ======

* Army of Angmar * Army of Angmar
Army of Darkness (Ogres) * Bloodguard of Terel
* Calian Warriors * Blademasters of Khalakhor
* Clan of Niedar Warriors Heralds of the Valar
* Dragonarmies Mariners
* Gladiagors * Militia of Thornlin
Kender (Secret Society) * Minotaurs
* Knights of Solamnia Minstrels
Mages of Morgul Monks (Dragon Order)
Mercenaries Necromancers
Monks (Dragon Order) * Pirates of the Bloodsea
Priests of Takhisis * Shield Bearers
Rangers * Templar
Spiric Circle (Scop) Thief Cabal
Union of Shadow Tricksters
* Vampires of Terel Worshippers (Elemental)

* = Recoded by Balance Team

Total Occ Guilds : 16
Recoded : 7
Remaining : 9
Total Layman Guilds : 16
Recoded : 8
Remaining : 8
Total Occ/Lay Guilds: 32
Recoded : 15
Remaining : 17


So ... we're just about halfway done. Thanks to all the players for their
patience and helpful attitudes in this process!

The Mercenary guild is quite close. Updates on who is next in line will
arrive in the near future.
