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2019 Wheel-Of-Fun Mini Event Results

Posted: 09 Jan 2020 14:09
by Cherek

Code: Select all

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 |                  Official results for the                    |
 |              Yuletide Wheel-Of-Fun Mini Event                |
 |                                                              |
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 |                      Sponsored by the                        |
 |                    GoG Banking Services                      |
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 |                           Recap                              |
 |                                                              |
 |                                                              |
 |  During December 16 and January 3 the Wheel-Of-Fun was       |
 |  spun a total of 4.045 times. This is about a thousand       |
 |  spins less than last year's record, most likely mainly      |
 |  due to the new 18 hours age requirement.                    |
 |                                                              |
 |  The legendary flaming black broadsword was again part of    |
 |  the Wheel-Of-Fun, and six different players were lucky      |
 |  enough to win one.                                          |
 |                                                              |
 |  11 players tried to harass Julio and were sternly           |
 |  warned for their poor yule spirits. None of them harassed   |
 |  Julio again, so, no players (except last year's cheater)    |
 |  were banned from the wheel this year.                       |
 |                                                              |
 |  The 'Dirtbag of the Year'-award goes to Raxton who was      |
 |  rude enough to throw manure at poor Julio. The              |
 |  retaliation by the event team was swift, which turned       |
 |  Raxton into a stinking pile of dirt.                        |
 |                                                              |
 |  This year's competition to decide who is the luckiest       |
 |  person in Genesis ended with a 9-point tie between Doimli,  |
 |  Montagu, and Thoru. However, the event is about deciding    |
 |  who is the luckiest PERSON, not people, so there can only   |
 |  be one winner.                                              |
 |                                                              |
 |  And, what better way to break the tie than with a coin      |
 |  toss based purely on LUCK? The clever gnomes provided the   |
 |  event team with a special three-sided coin (yes it looks    |
 |  totally weird). The coin was tossed with one of the         |
 |  winners present, together with wizards Cherek, Varian, and  |
 |  Carnak as witnesses.                                        |
 |                                                              |
 |  Here's a short transcript of the toss.                      |
 |                                                              |
 |  > exa coin                                                  |
 |  > Well, this is weird. This coin somehow has three sides,   |
 |  > and each side also has a name engraved on it. The names   |
 |  > are: 'Montagu', 'Doimli', and 'Thoru'. Strangely, no      |
 |  > matter how you turn it, no side is facing you. It looks   |
 |  > like you probably can <toss coin>.                        |
 |  >                                                           |
 |  > toss coin                                                 |
 |  > You toss the coin in the air, and when gravity pulls it   |
 |  > back to the ground it lands with the side reading         |
 |  > 'Montagu' facing up.                                      |
 |                                                              |
 |  Whaaat??! Again?! Yes! He won again! The odds of the same   |
 |  person winning an event based completely on random chance   |
 |  two years in a row is... astronomical, but somehow it       |
 |  happened again. Montagu TRULY is the luckiest person in     |
 |  the realms.                                                 |
 |                                                              |
 |  This year's winning score of 9 points was quite far         |
 |  beyond his 13-point score last year (maybe the luck is      |
 |  running out?), but the winnings are still quite             |
 |  impressive.                                                 |
 |                                                              |
 |  Date      Prize                                 Points      |
 |                                                              |
 |  Dec 16    a pair of bracers of the umber hulk   1           |
 |  Dec 17    a runed mithril warhammer             1           |
 |  Dec 18    a large apple                         -           |
 |  Dec 19    a frightening looking skull helmet    2           |
 |  Dec 20    a blackened bastardsword              1           |
 |  Dec 21    a black leather jacket                -           |
 |  Dec 22    an iron coffee kettle                 -           |
 |  Dec 23    a polished metallic medallion         -           |
 |  Dec 24    a well-used leather tote (open)       -           |
 |  Dec 25    a wooden thumbscrew                   -           |
 |  Dec 26    a large three-headed snake whip       1           |
 |  Dec 27    a glass bottle of perfume             -           |
 |  Dec 28    a runed mithril warhammer             1           |
 |  Dec 29    a red rose                            -           |
 |  Dec 30    a pale green glass phial              -           |
 |  Dec 31    a shiny wand                          -           |
 |  Jan  1    a mithril-bladed battleaxe            2           |
 |  Jan  2    a shining diamond                     -           |
 |  Jan  3    an ancient bronze comb                -           |
 |                                                              |
 |                                                              |
 |                          Results                             |
 |                                                              |
 |                                                              |
 |  298 participants managed to score at least 1 point in the   |
 |  event. Not everyone will be listed here, but below you can  |
 |  see who the 22 luckiest people in Genesis are.              |
 |                                                              |
 |  1. Montagu                9 points*                         |
 |  ----------------------------------< Title and item reward.  |
 |  2. Doimli                 9 points*                         |
 |     Thoru                  9 points*                         |
 |  4. Skythus                8 points                          |
 |     Friderick              8 points                          |
 |     Razhak                 8 points                          |
 |  7. Snowdrop               7 points                          |
 |     Robilar                7 points                          |
 |     Shirac                 7 points                          |
 |     Redblade               7 points                          |
 |     Penelope               7 points                          |
 |     Wrach                  7 points                          |
 |     Auntyb                 7 points                          |
 |     Feurrion               7 points                          |
 |     Cassius                7 points                          |
 |     Cyn                    7 points                          |
 |     Aizorana               7 points                          |
 |     Ugliest                7 points                          |
 |     Lornanandar            7 points                          |
 |     Mormeril               7 points                          |
 |     Raoden                 7 points                          |
 |     Sypher                 7 points                          |
 |                                                              |
 |  * = Montagu won the tie breaker coin toss to win the event, |
 |   which left Doimli and Thoru to share second place.         |
 |                                                              |
 |                                                              |
 |                          Rewards                             |
 |                                                              |
 |                                                              |
 |  As the the winner of this mini event Montagu will be        |
 |  awarded with the title "The Lucky One", a title that will   |
 |  last for 1 year. Or rather, one MORE year since he          |
 |  already has that title. He will also receive a special      |
 |  lucky coin that he may keep for 30 days. What that one      |
 |  does is for Montagu to find out, of course, as he won last  |
 |  year too it probably won't be that big of a big mystery     |
 |  for him...                                                  |
 |                                                              |
 |  You may claim your rewards in the Arch of Events office     |
 |  in the Tower of Re...                                       |
 |                                                              |
 |  Wait, why am I telling you this? You know how it works.     |
 |                                                              |
 |  As mentioned in the announcement there will be no other     |
 |  rewards for this event, as there were no effort involved    |
 |  other than visiting Sparkle once each day. Besides, most    |
 |  of those who finished in the top have received plenty of    |
 |  rewards from the wheel already!                             |
 |                                                              |
 |                                                              |
 |  Yule Season is now officially over in Sparkle. If you have  |
 |  any feedback on this event, please <mail aoe> from any      |
 |  post office.                                                |
 |                                                              |
 |  Cherek, Julio and the AoE team hope you had fun!            |
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