Event Rule for Alts!

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Re: Event Rule for Alts!

Post by Skythus » 14 Nov 2020 02:23

Rache wrote:
13 Nov 2020 23:42
I'm not trying to be argumentative or sound like a dick, and if I do, I apologize. But the event is very much doable without voting for yourselves.
The only problem I could see accidentally happening would be if an alt shared a costume with another player. But that seems very unlikely.

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Re: Event Rule for Alts!

Post by Cherek » 14 Nov 2020 04:19

Rache wrote:
13 Nov 2020 23:42
Cherek wrote:
13 Nov 2020 15:28
Rache/Drazson: This is a temporary compromise in regards to the rules that ONLY applies during this event and ONLY when sorting candy and costumes. As I understand, without this rule compromise, it would be impossible for players to paritcipate with more than one character without breaking the rules of the game. Hopefully you can understand why we felt this was a good compromise. Also, sorting your alt's candy/costume as "okay" really isn't much of a benefit at all anyway (I think?).
You could just not vote for your alt(s), you know, like actively choosing to not cheat. You'd have to leave the candy/costume unranked but maybe that's deemed too much work to avoid cheating? I know how it sounds, but I don't know how to change the sound of my text.

I'm not trying to be argumentative or sound like a dick, and if I do, I apologize. But the event is very much doable without voting for yourselves.
I thought you had to rank ALL costumes/candy? If not, then I apologize for being misinformed.

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Re: Event Rule for Alts!

Post by Cherek » 14 Nov 2020 04:43

Drazson wrote:
13 Nov 2020 20:45
I read the part where you were saying "it's okay for people to cheat if they are numerous (we can't act cause playerbase) or very important/old (they will act up or idk break the server with a hammer).

I am still not clear on the part of *which* rules those 2 bodies can freely break. This time it was an ad hoc announcement, should we expect targetted statements for each guild/item/interaction from now on?

Plus, a follow-up question: Does the above incident change the rules as they apply to the rest of the playerbase - let's refer to them as complete_idiots_who_read_and_abide_by_the_rules? All this is very confusing. Thank you.
I've never said that's it's okay to cheat. I said the complete opposite. If you were referring to Gorboth's initital post, then I think you misunderstood what he meant. I certainly did not read it like you did... I think there is a lot of confusion and misunderstandings going on right now... I'll try to clarify again:

What happened was that, very early in the event, a player reached out to me asking how the game rules apply in regards to sorting/voting. I told him that the rules of the game still applies when it comes to alts, and ranking your alts candy/costumes would break the rules. The player then expressed a concern that many players may not think about that rule when sorting, or even forget that a specific candy or costume belongs to an alt (if there are many similar ones). This means we could end up with a lot of people breaking the rules (knowingly or unknowingly), which will lead to a lot of work, and a lot of disqualifications/punishments - and that's never fun, obviously. I felt that this was a valid concern, and something we would like to avoid. I asked Gorboth to clarify what is allowed during the event in regards to multple characters.

Gorboth, as the AoE, decided to make a small exception to the rules for a specific action during this event alone. That's all. Everything in <help rules> still apply to everything else in the game, and when we catch people who break the rules they are warned and/or punished depending on the severity of the rule violation. We catch people breaking the rules several times a month, and "I forgot / didn't know" is never a valid excuse.

To my knowledge we have very rarely made exceptions to the rules before, but it's definitely not unheard of, especially during events. For example, during the turkey petting event a few years ago the rules about idling were temporarily adjusted if I remember correctly. And of course, for those that remember them, the old wizday events had different rules during the event, especially about PVP. However, there is no reason for you to believe that this is going to be something common or happen again anytime soon. I am sure Gorboth weighed the possible alternatives, and decided this was the best solution for this event. When it's over, I am sure he will also consider any feedback you provide regarding this, and other aspects of the event.

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