The final flight, fight and fatality.

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The final flight, fight and fatality.

Post by nils » 13 Jun 2020 23:18

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(_\                                                                        \
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  | The final flight, fight and fatality                                   |
  |                                                                        |
  | As the dust settled, the Schmalian Inn slowly rebuilt and the citizens |
  | even less enthused about their existence, time marched as it always    |
  | has. The Bards performed at the very cusp of their abilities as they   |
  | breathed life to their latest strokes of genius, serenading the        |
  | courage and hardships of the Holy Trio to all who would lend ear.      |
  | Their storied heroics even made it as far as the Rainbow City of       |
  | Schneraka and the Slackhisis worshipping Griffonarmies. The unfairness |
  | served by the Immortals as a cold, slimy dish hit them like daggers to |
  | the heart, spurring physical contention, warranting a call to arms.    |
  |                                                                        |
  | Rearen, the freshly appointed General of the Pink division and the     |
  | ever maturing General Annabell of the Turqoise, even though at times   |
  | in severe disagreements on the philosophical approach to the care of   |
  | Schnerakan Flora and proper griffon rearing, were able to offset their |
  | petty differences and engage in adult conversation on how best set the |
  | world on the correct path again.                                       |
  |                                                                        |
  | "Our far allies in the Sunny Mountains have perished to the vile       |
  | arcanes of the Schmalian Favoured! We must act, and we must act now!   |
  | Lest we all be subjects of those cursed monsters!" cried Annabell to   |
  | which Rearen, not yet the orator of repute agreed, muttering "Evil.    |
  | Bad. Good. Best."                                                      |
  |                                                                        |
  | "Summon soldiers and griffons! We fly to Schmalia in throngs. Let's    |
  | put an end to those vile warmongers before they end us all!" shouted   |
  | Annabell and blew her whistle.                                         |
  |                                                                        |
  | The griffons landed gracefully by the dozens and twice the amount of   |
  | pink and turqoise clad soldiers mounted the magnificent creatures with |
  | swords and halberds in hand. "The time for solemn reflection and       |
  | tranquility must pause! Summon your anger! To Schmalia for Justice,    |
  | men!" shouted Annabell as the griffons took to the skies. The          |
  | cacophonous shrieking and roaring of the powerful and honourable       |
  | mounts served as further boost to mind, body and soul; not only to the |
  | riders atop them, but also to the people of Schmansalon who dwelled    |
  | below in awe and worship.                                              |
  |                                                                        |
  | In an effort to emulate the General in torquise and spur his own pink  |
  | soldiers to action, Rearen yelled "Dead friends. Dead clerics. Die!".  |
  | The men lauded the chaining of words and even dared dream of a future  |
  | with orders served in full sentences.                                  |
  |                                                                        |
  | Meanwhile in Schmalia..                                                |
  |                                                                        |
  | Mad Elise, although enjoying some days in solitude after Dix was       |
  | dispensed of in such a relieving matter, commanded the bus boy in      |
  | disguise, Dildy, to her bed-coffin. Dildy happily complied, but fully  |
  | charged from past events he was unable to keep lips sealed. "Honoured  |
  | Lady Elise, my undercover friend in Schneraka has just informed me     |
  | that the Pink and Turqoise griffonarmies ride their beasts here. By my |
  | estimation they will land shortly before nightfall tomorrow" he        |
  | muttered, realizing the errs of his timing about halfway through. Mad  |
  | Elise gestured at the floor. "She'll thank me at the end" Dildy though |
  | to soothe rejected ego as he crawled out of the bed-coffin and         |
  | succumbed to sleep on the floor.                                       |
  |                                                                        |
  | That night no words of gratitude were shared, and such Dildy had to    |
  | find comfort in only knowledge that his intel bore fruit. As the bell  |
  | struck the darkest our, Mad Elise summoned the Devious Five and        |
  | proceeded to lay ghoulish plans of a pre-emptive strike. Her eyes      |
  | sparkled with vicious malice in anticipation of what could only prove  |
  | a humdrum, but oh so joyously fatal, tactical exercise.                |
  |                                                                        |
  |                                                                        |
  | The griffonarmies touched down on Schmalian soil as day drew close to  |
  | pause, the griffons landing in the midst of a moor, damp with          |
  | perspiration after a long an strenuous flight. Immediately after       |
  | dismounting the men naturally started smelling the flowers and         |
  | caressing the local fauna, only to snap back to action as Annabell     |
  | ordered tents be pitched, for the flight had indeed been long and      |
  | demanded they sought urgent respite. The two armies worked tirelessly  |
  | towards erecting their temporary and spartan domiciles while loudly    |
  | disagreeing about the length of their poles and where to put them.     |
  | At one point, Annabell had to intervene in fear of succumbing to       |
  | debauchery and utter chaos.                                            |
  |                                                                        |
  | As the sun beamed it's very last rays over the horison the men         |
  | finished. Exhausted and unbeknownst of the sleeping patterns of their  |
  | enemies, the men crawled into their tents expecting a full nights      |
  | rest.                                                                  |
  |                                                                        |
  | Rearen, half asleep, woke as he felt the ground shake. He thought to   |
  | go reprimand his soldiers for not prioritizing their alotted respite,  |
  | but realised shortly after that the rhythm appeared very unlike        |
  | previous witnessed escapades. As he but glanced through a tear in his  |
  | tent he paused for breath as he laid gaze upon a gigantic stone golem  |
  | thundering slowly towards the camp, with four different shapes         |
  | obediently in succession.                                              |
  |                                                                        |
  | As Rearen struggled to keep his heart from jumping out his throat,     |
  | he panicly threw his belongings aside in effort to find his whistle.   |
  | Then he heard a loud whack as the first blow from the golem struck,    |
  | followed by a sound of a tarp containing men and some tent-poles       |
  | crashing into the ground a ways back. "Auraka!" shouted Rearen         |
  | enthusiasticly as he leaped out of his tent and blew the whistle as    |
  | hard as he could, alerting both men and griffons to the imminent and   |
  | unavoidable battle. The men drowsily exited their tents, only to be    |
  | greeted by a monster cast in stone. As they laid eyes on the airborne  |
  | tent passing by on primed course for solid ground, their hearts sank,  |
  | their morals deflated and all hopes of victory extinguished.           |
  |                                                                        |
  | The surprise attack had granted Mad Elise and Sabretooth enough time   |
  | to join hands as they whispered words into the wind while body and     |
  | mind formed unbreakable bond. Lector and Dildy followed suit while     |
  | calling out to the golem "Protect us, Samoarana!"                      |
  |                                                                        |
  | The golem rumbled in a completely failed attempt at whisper, and       |
  | following a short gesture all four shapes blinked out of existence,    |
  | only to re-appear in locations free from swinging swords and piercing  |
  | halberds.                                                              |
  |                                                                        |
  | Annabell and the men who had barely managed to rub the sleep out of    |
  | their eyes quickly found themselves manning the front line, pressing   |
  | for first strike at the golem. As they skillfully thrust their weapons |
  | with as true an aim as they could muster, they found no weak spot in   |
  | the golems natural defences and struck nothing but stone leaving them  |
  | disheartened with dulled blades. The golem rumbled in amusement as it  |
  | struck a group of men, swatting them like insects, sending them flying |
  | across the battlefield.                                                |
  |                                                                        |
  | Lector and Dildy, out of harms way, closed their eyes and started      |
  | chanting, and as eyes sprang wide open a barely visible sonic wave     |
  | hits the armies, leaving them confused. The men, as children to        |
  | behold, now freshly filled with an irresistable urge to sheathe their  |
  | weapons. Completely stupefied by the sonic assault, they succumbed to  |
  | the urge and proceeded to disarm themselves willingly.                 |
  |                                                                        |
  | Timed with deadly precision following Lector and Dildy's cue, Mad      |
  | Elise and Sabretooth began to glow fiery red as they closed their      |
  | eyes. As eyes popped open a terrible wave of fire emanated outwards    |
  | from the duo, consuming moor, camp and men in bright magical fire!     |
  |                                                                        |
  | The flame spread rapidly and in seconds both engulfed the men, and set |
  | the tents aflame. After the wave died down, half the men lay blackened |
  | in the ashes of incinerated tents, crispy as only burnt corpses can    |
  | be.                                                                    |
  |                                                                        |
  | As the effects of the sonic wave dissipated and senses returned,       |
  | Annabell and Rearen felt the sting of their injuries and realized they |
  | stood no chance against this onslaught, and thoughts of retreat forced |
  | it's way through valor, pride and aspirations of justice served.       |
  | Luckily timed with the landing griffons they commanded their men to    |
  | mount up, and just as Rearen took the reins and gave command, another  |
  | fiery wave struck, igniting fur, feathers and flesh in a blazing       |
  | inferno. As they ascended to the sky aflame, the shapes couldn't help  |
  | but smile as the added airation agitated the fires to the point of     |
  | combustion. What looked like a local meteor shower littered the        |
  | battlefield with still burning medium rare human and griffon remains.  |
  | The shapes looked at eachother and nodded contently as their thirst    |
  | for blood was quenched and the smoke slowly died out. The Schmalian    |
  | moors now decorated in a grotesque manner only a Schmalian Cleric      |
  | would appreciate.                                                      |
  |                                                                        |
  |                                                                        |
  | Moral of the story: As we struggle to understand the concept of combat |
  | aid and how it is distributed within and amongst guilds - comparing    |
  | what we know about gondorian guilds of old and in need of serious      |
  | tender, loving care - the outrageousness of it all reveals itself.     |
  |                                                                        |
  | Any ability, designed to hit all opponents, accumulates combat aid by  |
  | a factor of how many enemies one opposes. Subsequently and obvious to  |
  | all who bother reflect but a mere minute, this far exceeds even the    |
  | most daring of distributions in this little world of ours.             |
  |                                                                        |
  | While the effects and results described in the fictitious story above  |
  | are exaggerated to the point of lunacy, a downplayed version of the    |
  | fight exists within the realm of possibility. The collective power and |
  | vast arsenal of five elementals is unrivalled in this game, and I dare |
  | say breaks it in properly motivated, capable hands.                    |
  |                                                                        |
  | I completely fail to see the logic behind allowing what in reality     |
  | amounts to five guilds in one - while also allowing a further          |
  | expansion of available arsenal in a state of cooperation - to continue |
  | its existence in it's current form.                                    |
  |                                                                        |
  |                               Fade out..                               |
  |                                                                        |
  |                                                                        |
  | This will be my last public outcry against what I can best describe as |
  | inequality of opportunity. I will fully admit to having 'mocked'       |
  | certain individuals who bears remarkable resemblance (in name only)    |
  | with unflattering and made up characteristics. I claim to have done so |
  | with humorous intent, designed only to entertain while attempting to   |
  | paint a picture of the absurdity that is the guild mechanics of the    |
  | Elemental Clerics.                                                     |
  |                                                                        |
  | So, if you read this and feel I made a personal attack on you, know    |
  | that such was not my intent. I chose this 'format' because while we    |
  | may (or may not) have our differences, play on opposing sides of the   |
  | alignment spectre and/or by the nature of our chosen paths fully       |
  | embrace base hatred towards eachother (to further immersion,           |
  | obviously), I firmly believe we would still laugh and drink together   |
  | as friends come opportunity in the real. I attribute you all with both |
  | minds and backbones fully capable of shrugging off the scribbles of a  |
  | mouthy dilettante as just another attempt at attention whoring through |
  | whiny, self-serving texts of at best mediocre quality.                 |
  |                                                                        |
  | I can live with that.                                                  |
  |                                                                        |
  |                                                                        |
  | Lastly, some have approached me with the "whys" and "hows" of this     |
  | wordy project of mine, and I can only answer that I am a firm believer |
  | in equal opportunity, fairness and transparency. The fact that those   |
  | beholden to the aforementioned powers make attempts to force self-     |
  | censorship upon me only emphasizes the project's legitimacy.           |
  |                                                                        |
  | It also baffles me that the same beholders make claims that I reveal   |
  | "knowledge I should not possess" and proceeds to claim it ill-gotten,  |
  | while simultaneously nodding vigorously in agreement when the gossip-y |
  | nature of Genesis is commented. Know that the "possessed knowledge"    |
  | shared is the culmination of lengthy talks in various fora and stem    |
  | from several sources. I press that not a single claim made or word     |
  | written are neither provided nor confirmed by a developer.             |
  |                                                                        |
  | Honestly, some of it has even either been pure speculation or based    |
  | very loosely on rumour and hearsay. The complete absence of denials,   |
  | contradicting information or (serious) attempts at rebuttals, coupled  |
  | with threatening letters from the beholders, past-deed, serves now as  |
  | confirmation of said hearsay and rumours' validity. Moreso it further  |
  | validates the need for transparency in current and future brilliant,   |
  | creative and profound genius designs, such as the Elemental Clerics,   |
  | to grace our beloved bubble of escapism.                               |
  |                                                                        |
  | The game itself, the magic veil of secrecy that shrouds its content,   |
  | the paths not yet taken, the arbitrary secrets that but lies there to  |
  | be discovered should never be illuminated publicly for it serves only  |
  | to rob others of welcome discovery or valued journey. However, I claim |
  | that the terms and conditions set upon contest between us bubble-      |
  | dwellers are best viewed under high capacity floodlights.              |
  |                                                                        |
  | My mission has been to entertain, illuminate and enlighten, but also   |
  | enrage those unbeholden - untill now ignorant or already long in the   |
  | know. The secrets that served but few now dance in the spotlight, and  |
  | the public is free to either                                           |
  | -Sit idly by and watch as the dancer draws towards its inevitable      |
  |  death.                                                                |
  | -Forge a new, yet unthought of, approach.                              |
  | -Commit to rioting.                                                    |
  | -Depart in anger and seek greener pastures elsewhere.                  |
  | -Engage in proper discourse on the future face of inequality with the  |
  |  floodlights providing much needed transparency.                       |
  |                                                                        |
  | I choose the latter.                                                   |
  |                                                                        |
  |                                                                        |
  | Over and out.                                                          |
  |                                                                        |
  |                                                     Penned by the Nils |
 _|                                                                        |
Nil Mortifi Sine Lucre

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