Making non-magical items always save

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Making non-magical items always save

Post by Cherek » 23 Aug 2016 01:57

Yes, you heard right. We're considering changing how equipment saves. It's one of the things that a lot of new players find very annoying, and It's something we have discussed many times, but never found a solution that's been "the one". However, a while back Varian had the simple but brilliant idea of making all non-magical items in the game save forever, and he has also managed to convince the majority of the Admin it's a good idea.

So here's how it would work:

- Any piece of equipment that is NOT magical, and NOT imbued will save on a player. Forever. It will always glow when you type save, and behave pretty much like coins or gems. It's yours to keep until you drop it, break it, or lose it by dying.

- To prevent some type of quit/sell loot-abuse, there will be a limit to the amount of EQ you can save. Players should be able to keep normal gear they use, but not function as some sort of mobile rack and carry tons of stuff forever. The exact number for the limit has not been decided, but we think that what you can wear/wield is a reasonable number.

- Magical equipment will function exactly as it does today, if it glows it survives one quit/armageddon, if it does not, you'll lose it.

Please comment and help us out by trying to think of ways this could be abused, or any other potential problems or pitfalls with the idea that we may not have thought about.

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Re: Making non-magical items always save

Post by Melarec » 23 Aug 2016 05:07

Honestly, this sounds fantastic.
I'll finally be able to keep a proper weapon on me instead of using those of my fallen enemies.

The only abuse I can see is if someone steals a particularly rare, non-magical item and refuses to drop/rack it.. The obvious course of action is to take it from their corpse, but that won't work if they log out before getting attacked..

As for magical items, I still think (I'm not sure if I've mentioned this, actually..) that there should be some sort of imbue that makes the item save more than once.. Like a Bound blade.. (Not sure where I remember it from.) You can't drop it or sell it, neither can it be stolen. When someone kills another, the bound items could change their owner to the victor? Or perhaps keep through death, but that seems a bit OP.. Perhaps have the imbue degrade with each logout/death..

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Re: Making non-magical items always save

Post by Sykil » 23 Aug 2016 05:25

nonmagic save is for good

I am not understand the abuse? a mobile rack you have say. so what? someone is carry a nonmagic sword, someone is carry 20 nonmagic, so what? if is ok for 1, is same for 20, why to restrict so much? just allow for this and see if is ok

quit sell, how this is really to abuse? someone is sail far to grab so many of loot and quit to sell but so what? boring sail back and get more, much time is waste

is good idea, just do it
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Re: Making non-magical items always save

Post by Arman » 23 Aug 2016 05:26

Great suggestion. Appeals to those casual players who just want to log on for a lunch break, go for a quick hunt, then log out where they are without having to go back to the guildhall!

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Re: Making non-magical items always save

Post by Hektor » 23 Aug 2016 07:25

This sounds promising. The only two questions I might have would be Ogres and Smiths. I _think_ some of them items that smiths can create goes above the normal quality of non-magical items, the same goes for some of the guilditems ogres can buy. I could be wrong though.
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Re: Making non-magical items always save

Post by nils » 23 Aug 2016 08:51

Thumbs up!

As for ogres - the really good items are magical. Smiths could always make another, so why go through the trouble?
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Re: Making non-magical items always save

Post by Thalric » 23 Aug 2016 09:16

If trouble with numbers or whatever, just make it so only worn and wielded non-magic stuff always saves.

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Re: Making non-magical items always save

Post by Avatar » 23 Aug 2016 10:38

Fantastic idea. Love it.
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Re: Making non-magical items always save

Post by morgzaash » 23 Aug 2016 17:41

Just looked at my eq. Well, robe will save .....
But its great idea for smaller players ....

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Re: Making non-magical items always save

Post by kirsach » 23 Aug 2016 18:00

Change in a very good direction. One small remark. There should be a command that tells if the item is magical or not. To be sure that the item doesnt save because is magical and not because it extend limit of items one can save/bind with him.

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