Imbuement and Armour Changes ...

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Re: Imbuement and Armour Changes ...

Post by Elita » 18 Feb 2016 02:07

I agree with Ydred was it that said that economy will change, but I am not sure it will be for the worse. If imbues are more rare shouldnt the prizes go up then? And I still think that the really rich chars will sink money into it and even more so if the items break.

I also think that if they are more rare and nothing is done about the free kill policy we may have more pkills due to someone simply wanting an item someone is wearing/wielding.

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Re: Imbuement and Armour Changes ...

Post by Val » 18 Feb 2016 02:37

gorboth wrote:Finding an intense imbue of your favorite variety will still happen, and will still benefit you in a really nice way. The change here is that it now becomes a rare treat rather than an imperative for your enjoyment of "regular play."
To make it clear - I had no intense imbues - they are beyond my imagination. But was working, collecting stones, hoping I could perhaps have a chance for some pronounced ones in a few months or so. With these changes it is not going to happen.

And do you really think that after several months of collecting stones, putting them into an item for 20 days is too long? Should the item break after few days? Seriously? You think it will be more fun?

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Re: Imbuement and Armour Changes ...

Post by Elita » 18 Feb 2016 02:59

And do you really think that after several months of collecting stones, putting them into an item for 20 days is too long? Should the item break after few days? Seriously? You think it will be more fun?
The thing he is saying and why he is changing it is because some people have enough funds to buy them on a regular basis so it doesnt take them several months to get what they want. And that doesnt fill his vision of what it should be like, besides the moneysink.

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Re: Imbuement and Armour Changes ...

Post by Ydred » 18 Feb 2016 03:40

Why not limit how many you can wear?

If you are titan and below as many as you want.

If you are titan to myth 4 imbues.

If you greater than myth, 2?

Or something. I wont be as put off as Val seems to be but I am in the same position (trying to save for 5 months (and have months to go) for a nice 'set'.

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Re: Imbuement and Armour Changes ...

Post by Sykil » 18 Feb 2016 03:48

Imbues are fun. Gorboth says he did notwant them to be used so much.

Irk and Morrison still auto-buy imbues from auction with script. With imbues being not as good, this can make for easier to buy them? Prices will go down. The people who they use already all the time imbues will still have them. How they do 24/7 play is still going on, how is this? They get coin. They get imbues from more kill time.

Who does this affect? Not Irk or Morrison or the hoarders. Of all changes to make, who does this affect? I like to hear Irk post how bad it is, but I don't think it is for him at least.

Was effect of imbues so bad? If so, why did last events give many intense imbue items to single person who last for 30 days? They were fun. Do we have policy for top 5 grinder? I mean players? Or for commoners too?
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Re: Imbuement and Armour Changes ...

Post by Elita » 18 Feb 2016 03:53

I like Ydreds idea!

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Re: Imbuement and Armour Changes ...

Post by Zestana » 18 Feb 2016 05:50

I think it would be time to reflect on some of the imbues that are available and their actual use... For example....

-Opalesque, grey, azure, brown, rose, and blue tints... are all fairly useless.

-Goosebumps to being around, tickle in your throat, ringing in your ears, feeling of drowsiness... are all fairly useless.

*** Disclaimer: Being able to be used by one guild when it is a global system does not constitute usefulness.****

I do like the idea that imbues as a system instead of just as a class would give diminishing returns that someone else mentioned....

At least now that all armours can dull a faint gleam of mithril is no longer useless on half the gear it spawns on.

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Re: Imbuement and Armour Changes ...

Post by Draugor » 18 Feb 2016 06:45

Balancing them is easy tbh, just add a cap on the stat raise :P If you're a certain amount of points above supreme, you get close to none bonus from the gems :P Its the statgems that need a nerf imo, thats where the crazy is at

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Re: Imbuement and Armour Changes ...

Post by Mayobe » 18 Feb 2016 10:05

Elita wrote:I agree with Ydred was it that said that economy will change, but I am not sure it will be for the worse. If imbues are more rare shouldnt the prizes go up then? And I still think that the really rich chars will sink money into it and even more so if the items break.
The counterpoint is that lowbies who find good imbues will make even more money from auction, which promotes more rapid growth.

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Re: Imbuement and Armour Changes ...

Post by Cherek » 18 Feb 2016 10:33

Sykil wrote: Was effect of imbues so bad? If so, why did last events give many intense imbue items to single person who last for 30 days? They were fun. Do we have policy for top 5 grinder? I mean players? Or for commoners too?
Nobody is saying imbues are bad, but perhaps they have become too common and become more of a standard for many players, than something very special which was the idea?

The event prizes were a special treat for the top 3 (who spent a LOT of time on the event), winner got three items with one imbue on each, second place two items, and third place one item. The idea was to try to attract more players to events, and the time limit was there to try to get the winner of the cool items to play more while the item lasts. I think that worked quite well. Such nice prizes are very special though, does not come around often, but fun while it lasts, then they are gone forever, including the imbuement (the stones could not be extracted). It's fun when you get something special for a while. The Christmas lottery was the same idea, winning something really good was rare, and the lottery was only around for a limited time, which made those who won something really good really happy.

If those special event items could always be won, or if I had made the lottery permanent, it would soon lose that "special" feeling, and eventually people come to expect have those super-nice things at all times, which is kind of what has happened with imbues for many players, it's not special anymore, it's something you expect to have.
