More than enough?

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Posts: 979
Joined: 03 Mar 2010 22:37

More than enough?

Post by Postmaster » 13 Dec 2017 07:40

Originally posted by Plukragar

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Ideas. Been thinking lately and some ideas came to mind.

We have the RMC. It is a nifty club.

Would it be possible to create other clubs?

Gem Collectors club for instance.

Gem collectors are known as Rock Hounds.

A club that is in the spirit of RMC and has titles etc.

Not sure how it should be done but I do think it should negate all the gems you
currently have.

If you choose to enter. Something that allows the newer generation to also have
a chance?

Titles could be simple as you decide to focus on a Gem type to collect.

Garnet Rock Hound. Tourmaline Rock Hound. etc

You only choose one gem type or our titles could get abit long if added to our
actual titles.

Like the RMC gives a money-purse this club would give you a spectroscope and

Not sure how indepth this should go but it could go much further than RMC even.
Nothing that gives you advantages but more character.

Perhaps you could even learn to cut gems and try to cut the highest quality
ones etc? 

Could also create a Philatelist club though this would be more complex since
stamps dont exist in game except during some events.

Gems already exist everywhere. Stamps do not. But could give us more things to

And yes I know wiz and code it but I dont wiz. So it could be just an idea.
Hanging there.


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