Automatons Be Warned

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Re: Automatons Be Warned

Post by Mirandus » 16 Dec 2017 04:30

No, it doesn't. It's not a spoken piece.

The idea is to make it something that is hard to trigger. You certainly can, people are smart, but the answer can't be. It's supposed to be somewhat challenging but you have quite a bit of time to notice it (about 5 minutes or so).

If you can't figure out the numbers, communing all will allow you to let us know you are at the computer. If you succeed, you even get a small reward.

I agree with Cherek, though, that Gorboth should get his fancy new Captcha up and running. This one works, but it has some minor flaws.

Personally, I would prefer to find a way to implement thematic bot checks into the realms. We've toyed with this idea in the past and had a couple of solutions coded. Perhaps a conversation to revisit.

The key here though is this - If you are at the computer, you are unlikely to fail or be considered botting.

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Re: Automatons Be Warned

Post by mallor » 16 Dec 2017 21:41

Cherek did show me yesterday in game, it indeed is a big chunk of text and it does show in communication box.
Also, sadly, quite easy to parse, only a matter of time people will come up with something that reads it automatically.

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Re: Automatons Be Warned

Post by sylphan » 17 Dec 2017 04:52

Mirandus wrote:The key here though is this - If you are at the computer, you are likely to fail or be considered botting.
I'm guessing this is a typo. ;)

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Re: Automatons Be Warned

Post by Mirandus » 17 Dec 2017 05:02

sylphan wrote:
Mirandus wrote:The key here though is this - If you are at the computer, you are likely to fail or be considered botting.
I'm guessing this is a typo. ;)
Depends on the person ;)

But yes. I meant unlikely. Changed it.

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Re: Automatons Be Warned

Post by Cherek » 17 Dec 2017 05:09

Whops. Sorry, my bad, I forgot to tell Mirandus that bots are players who are NOT at the keyboard when he took over as AoP. Well, now you know. I'll leave you to your restorations.

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