Player of Wolverine

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Player of Wolverine

Post by Wolverine » 15 Jun 2022 19:04

Greetings Community,

I will share something very personal about myself and it might be tough for some to hear.

2020 i got a diagnose of Heart Failure, 20% heart power.

How long can you survive heart failure?
Although there have been recent improvements in congestive heart failure treatment, researchers say the prognosis for people with the disease is still bleak, with about 50% having an average life expectancy of less than five years. For those with advanced forms of heart failure, nearly 90% die within one year.

When you know that the rest of life is short you try to find motivation. So by Returning to Genesis it was a place where I didnt have to stress and just lay still playing. The reason why I barely work these days.

But as of lately after sharing personal stuff in trust i got backlash and backlash and backlash as a guildmember and players talk about this or about what I shared was a connection of friendship in the game, so these people and these incidents got me to leave the server.

I like all the good people but I dont like the tyrants within the game that believe that they have so much power in size, reputation feel like they are allowed to do anything to the regular mortals and be victims and especially If the talk about me or my relatioship to someone.

Friendship can happen in this realm and all interest of everything in the game doesnt matter, just teaming talking and having fun.

As of all these incidents i Wonder is it worth to spend my time in this game at all, but these tyrants dont have the power of that or can change that.

But I will take a break for awhile as these people get into my nerves and I teach them a lesson by going against them verbally or take them out in game.

I might get around from time to time for fun as to hang out with the nice people but im tired of spending my time and energy on those that trouble me or the friends of mines.

If this game is worth the time spent with a life thats short.



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Re: Player of Wolverine

Post by Yeren » 19 Jun 2022 23:37

Hey mate, I am very sad to hear this.
I always liked your character and have good memories of time spent together. I think there are many others who feel similar.

As to spending time this or that way, dont anyone tell you what to do. Just tell them to fuck off, it is your life.
There are unfortunately people on this mud who think that size is all that matters and everyone should just shut up and swallow everything they say or want.. just because they are so huge and powerful. I hate such bullies, too.

Let me tell you, that they are not the only ones. There's still fun guys and gals here.

Cheers, your pal Yeren

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Re: Player of Wolverine

Post by Budwise » 22 Jun 2022 09:37

Hey, Wolfy. Not in Calia, I hope? We're just happy to have you back. :)

And hopefully not in game. If it's the antisocial medias associated with game
the solution is simple. Don't waste time on those toxic places.

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Re: Player of Wolverine

Post by Wolverine » 23 Jun 2022 01:20

Read reply on Seranders note and you understand a bit of it...

Some Tyrants seem to be appreciated and can do whatever they please while a guy like Carnak gets some of punishment for accidently leaking a small thing...and leaves.. and a nice guy like Hexen becomes a victim... but the good hearted is easily punished while some are allowed to do exactly as they please.

Calia is awesome.. when people dont talk my name or question a close friend of mine of our relationship/friendship all will be good..

Weird how two active happy players barely is around that much? What happened "Tyrant"? (Wolverine & Serander)

Regards Johnny

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Re: Player of Wolverine

Post by Wolverine » 25 Jun 2022 08:21


To even get more personal and to praise a place and some people I never got to meet but heard really good things about.

my life has changed since i met a friend in this donut that changed the game for me, changed me, knows me, understands me and made this great game a lifechange.

When a place can be so xp oriented and i was extremely xp hunting in length unhealthy i got changed over time, i can't even describe her as soulmate/angel/motivator/cheerleader/friend/coach - and when you are changed and given life, lifted in tough times, encouraged to take a step forward in life, ofc with my own will and power, but i had no idea that something in a game and an individual could give me the vision.

To those closest of her that isnt around active anylonger, wow! im proud to be part of the history and had the chance to meet your closest in heart, would be awesome to meet you in game. Friends i heard and met, young new players i met in teams. Thanks LIlith for the ice cream, its the most appreciated creation and its given to all new/old people if it isnt sold out.

Someone that does something like this for you will never be forgotten and thanks to the Donut it happened.

Etan - The Inn in Minas Morgul got to hear a Minstrel perform a song there.
Rangers - Best memory was hanging upside down in your trap with a Ranger in heart laughing at me.
Cherek - Church will be decorated for years as a return of favor of an accident plague in my lungs that could have
been spread in church, it was a test of code in church, as maybe Church/Sparkle should be a place where
plague is cured than on a boat to Holm.

Im Active again, but Life is motivation and to all others that wasnt mentioned, as friends, as super quick xp, you know your value and friendship and as you know your worth, but thanks to those that wrote encouraging lifting things here, my heart might be weaker in life but you both have a place in my heart, mind... but you allready knew that.

Live Life & Appreciate Good Hearted People - They are so many - Lets spread love for the game and praises, why argue and battle.



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