Gobbo Grab Bag

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Post Reply
Posts: 981
Joined: 03 Mar 2010 22:37

Gobbo Grab Bag

Post by Postmaster » 03 Jun 2023 22:53

Originally posted by Druel

Code: Select all

/_\                                                                      \
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|    ) .     (    (  .           )       (    (         (   (    ) :     |
|   ())  (  (_)  (_)   (        ()) (  : )\  (_)       ()): )\  ()))     |
|  (())) )\(_)) (_))   )\      (())))\  (_()(_))      (_)()(_()()(())    |
| (/ __|((_) |()| |() ((_)    (/ __|( )((_)() |()     | _ )(_)() _` |    |
| | (_ | _ \  _ \  _ \ _ \    | (_ | '_| _` |  _ \    | _ \ _` |__. |    |
|  \___|___/____/____/___/     \___|_| \__/_|____/    |___/__/_|___/     |
|                                                                        |
| Angmar Army hav grab bag o guudies fer da lil wuns two.  It called     |
| Gobbo Grab Bag as u ken cee.  AA bag is fer da eeval lil wuns.  It     |
| better den kniggit thingy.                                             |
|                                                                        |
| We wuz achtulee tinkin of dis furst.  Kniggets kopeed dis and got      |
| da masage up furst.  Dey durty lil spies lik dat.  U no trussed da     |
| kniggets. Dey no gud.                                                  |
|                                                                        |
| So u axe, wut com in da GGB?  Dat gud qwestshun and u smaht to axe.    |
| Furst ting a gud grunt need iz a club.  So we gonna put da bestest     |
| club ever in da GGB.  Well, u gonna tink it gud enyway.  Da army uze   |
| dem to smash filthy lyin kniggets and udder undezirebles.  it funny    |
| to hear dey skul crak wen you smash ur club on dem.  Den dey all       |
| squishy lik a big splat.  It giv u warm fuzy feelin insid u bodi.      |
|                                                                        |
|       .-.                                                              |
|     __|=|__                                                            |
|    (_/`-`\_)                                                           |
|    //\___/\\                                                           |
|    <>/   \<>  <-----dat a knigget                                      |
|     \|_._|/                                                            |
|      <_I_>                                                             |
|       |||                                                              |
|      /_|_\                                                             |
|                                                                        |
|      -                                                                 |
|     ---                                                                |
|     --- < dat a smash pudl of knigget.  luk more betterer huh?         |
|      -                                                                 |
| Da army run on it stumak so we need feed u in da bag.  Furst ting      |
| u gonna see in it is sum fried uneecorn bergers.  Mmm, Mmm.            |
|                                                                        |
|     _ __,~~~/                                                          |
| ,~~`( )_( )-\| <---- dat uneecorn                                      |
|     |/|  `--.                                                          |
|     ! !  !                                                             |
|                                                                        |
| Da next ting u gonna see is sum fried up elf meet.  Dat stuff so gud.  |
| like a tickl in u tumy.                                                |
|                                                                        |
| Last fud u get is sum hobit biskets.  Ole gramma gobbo bake dem        |
| up reel nice in da army camp.  Dey ful of buter, bisket stuff,         |
| hobit parts, an army camp gudnes.  U gonna reely lik.                  |
|                                                                        |
| Wut else u git?  Skrol down an cee!                                    |
|                                                                        |
|                                                                        |
|                                                                        |
| Nuttin u mizerabl gud fer nuttin werm.  Go kil sumptin, grab a club    |
| an start smashin em into goo.  Den mail drul and tel drul u want       |
| be army!                                                               |
|                                                                        |
| me drul                                                                |
|                                                                        |
|                                                                        |
|              ,      ,                                                  |
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