Remembering Lilith

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Remembering Lilith

Post by Cherek » 04 Sep 2023 00:38

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|                                                                           |
|  Greetings,                                                               |
|                                                                           |
|  As most of you know, Kelly, the player begind Lilith/Rae passed away     |
|  about two months ago. I posted only a short note when it happened and    |
|  I also created a temporary statue in the memorial garden. As of today,   |
|  the temporary statue has been replaced by a beautiful permanent marble   |
|  statue. Thank you so much Varian for creating it. With the finilized     |
|  statue now in place I also think now is a good time to tell you a        |
|  little more about who Kelly was and what she did for Genesis. As I did   |
|  not know her as her mortal Rae, this note will be focused on her life    |
|  in Genesis as a wizard. Below follows a summary of her time as a wizard  |
|  as well as some memories/messages from a few of her fellow wizards.      |
|                                                                           |
|  Kelly has been a part of Genesis since 1992 and first became a wizard    |
|  under the name Grace. Even though most of us probably think of Avenir    |
|  when we think of Lilith she actually started her career in Krynn,        |
|  where her most notable creation is the Knight's Spur back in 1994,       |
|  but she also worked on the original Knight's guild. Her time in Krynn    |
|  was relatively short, though, and she soon joined the brand new Avenir   |
|  domain that the wizard Tepisch had founded in 1995. Like most things     |
|  in Genesis, Avenir was coded by many different wizards over many         |
|  years, but Kelly was instrumental in the early days, both as a           |
|  programmer/content creator as well as a provider of many ideas and       |
|  stories for the deep lore and very specific theme Avenir has.            |
|                                                                           |
|  In 1996 the wizard Grace was abandoned and replaced by Lilith who        |
|  spent several years creating content for Avenir, and later she also      |
|  started maintaining and updating Avenir and neighboring Terel. It's not  |
|  realistic to try to list everything Lilith made, but it's safe to say    |
|  that it's hard to take a step in Avenir without running into something   |
|  she has either created or been part of creating/updating. For example    |
|  she is the creator of most of the Holm and it's inhabitants, the Mummers |
|  of Sybarus and Dancers of the Veil clubs, the Forbidden City, and        |
|  Melchior's baths. Much of the Shadow Union and it's culture also came    |
|  from her, and she created several fun things in the Bazaar that          |
|  most likely all players in Genesis have used at some point. Surely you   |
|  have asked the butcher over there to make a weird sausage from a corpse  |
|  you brought in, and surely you've bought one of the iconic medallions    |
|  with the fun messages from that shady goblin.                            |
|                                                                           |
|  Lilith did much more than what I have listed above, but despite all      |
|  her major contributions, one of the things she was the most proud of     |
|  (according to very reliable sources) was actually quite small in         |
|  comparison. It was when she convinced the usually stubborn Mercade       |
|  (he is a dwarf after all) to add support for a "You have defeated"-      |
|  message instead of the usual "You killed"-message. This way, players     |
|  could win over NPCs in a fight without actually having to kill them.     |
|  It's for example used when you defeat the khopesh-wielding Dej Minha     |
|  in Avenir.                                                               |
|                                                                           |
|  Lilith was gone from Genesis between 2009 and 2014, and when she         |
|  returned she continued her work in Avenir and Terel. She also spent a    |
|  couple of years in the AoP team during this time. More recently she was  |
|  liege of both Avenir and Terel and updated a lot of old code as well as  |
|  creating new areas. For example, she rebuilt Fort Sybarus and created    |
|  the new catacombs under the Isle of the Dead.                            |
|                                                                           |
|                                                                           |
|  Rae and I (Layn at the time) were both mortal knights of Solamnia. I     |
|  was in the conclave with Dordon and Solace, and Rae was one of the       |
|  more prominent senior knights of the day.                                |
|                                                                           |
|  One day, while standing around at the crossroads at the south end of     |
|  Vingaard Keep (none of which really led anywhere at the time) a          |
|  stranger ran up to me and introduced herself as Grace. She was not in    |
|  any guilds, but was either a veteran (which was the second highest       |
|  mortal level of the time) or maybe a small champion (champion being      |
|  the highest mortal level).                                               |
|                                                                           |
|  At the time, once champions became large enough in stat average, a       |
|  scroll would appear in their inventory. A "wiz scroll". That was how     |
|  Genesis got their wizards at the time, you just used the scroll once     |
|  your character had mastered enough of the game to be of sufficient       |
|  size.                                                                    |
|                                                                           |
|  Well, Grace immediately told me that she was in fact Rae. She had run    |
|  through a bunch of quests over the past few days, but had been unable    |
|  to get big enough to earn a wiz scroll and she really wanted to wiz      |
|  without losing Rae. So, she asked if she could have my wiz scroll        |
|  instead.                                                                 |
|                                                                           |
|  Which I was happy to do. And moments later, Grace had been accepted      |
|  into the wizard ranks. Grace eventually changed her name to Lilith,      |
|  but I always remember being part of that very first step in her          |
|  long and productive wizard career.                                       |
|                                                                           |
|  Varian                                                                   |
|                                                                           |
|                                                                           |
|  Lilith was among our finest crafters of lore and stories and her         |
|  fingerprints are subtly visible in many places in Genesis. She started   |
|  her wizard life in Krynn as Grace where she was involved in the          |
|  creation of many things, which unfortunately has been forgotten due      |
|  to time. As one of the early wizards who coded for Genesis that did      |
|  not have an academic background associated with programming, Lilith's    |
|  probing of the framework that holds Genesis together resulted in at      |
|  times hilarious results and other times disasterous results. Some of     |
|  the early oversights that would have never occurred to seasoned          |
|  programmers were discovered by Lilith -- a distinction among Genesis     |
|  wizards that she has confessed to be mildly amused by. She was heavily   |
|  involved in the creation of the lore for the Dragon Order when it was    |
|  decided that the Kahedans and old Roke domain (now Cadu) were to be      |
|  closed. If someone needed to rephrase a description or find a suitable   |
|  word to describe something, she was always there to help. Most recently  |
|  Lilith completed some items in Terel that had been left uncompleted      |
|  for over a decade when she took over as liege of the domain.             |
|                                                                           |
|  Of course Lilith will always be best remembered for her work in Avenir,  |
|  an original domain that has no source material to draw from. As the      |
|  "Vice Hegemon of Sybarus" she oversaw the creative consistency in the    |
|  domain and coded a good portion of the domain herself. If you ever       |
|  wondered where balloon figurines in Genesis came from, look no further   |
|  than the bazaar in the city of Sybarus in Avenir. Those flirty emotes    |
|  available to the Dancers of Veil were created by Lilith as well. Next    |
|  time you wipe lipstick off your face that remained after a sultry kiss,  |
|  remember she made that possible in Genesis.                              |
|                                                                           |
|  Lilith's contributions to Genesis are numerous and especially visible    |
|  in some areas that desperately needed a lady's touch. She will be        |
|  sorely missed.                                                           |
|                                                                           |
|  Ckrik                                                                    |
|                                                                           |
|                                                                           |
|  It feels like forever ago that I first came to know Lilith. It was in    |
|  a way that one comes to know something "more" than. I was a new player   |
|  in 1996, the year the Lilith became a wizard, and all wizards were       |
|  something undeniably scary.                                              |
|                                                                           |
|  I was young, 14 or 15 at the time. I had found a bug that resulted in    |
|  me getting in trouble. I think it was Mercade who spoke to me and        |
|  reprimanded me for exploiting a bug. I also recall Lilith saying         |
|  something along the lines of "clever" in a way that only Lilith could.   |
|                                                                           |
|  While I knew she did not condone of the exploiting of this bug, she      |
|  saw something in me that I would not see in myself for a long while.     |
|  A bit of cleverness, some ingenuity, some panache. Lilith had the        |
|  ability to see the best in others and, if one was willing, she would     |
|  help anyway she could.                                                   |
|                                                                           |
|  Fast foward many years to when I was an established mortal. I played     |
|  a character named Aimee. I was also going through a tough time in my     |
|  life and was trying to find myself. I spoke often with Lilith on MSN     |
|  messenger. We became friends and she helped me through some difficult    |
|  times just by being an ear to listen and provide some advice without     |
|  any judgement. There are many people responsible for who I am today,     |
|  and Lilith is one of them.                                               |
|                                                                           |
|  Lilith was a passionate, dedicated and fiercly loyal friend. She         |
|  was creative and talented and had the ability to come up with unique     |
|  ideas to make the worlds of Genesis rich.                                |
|                                                                           |
|  I was fortunate enough to get to meet Lilith in person last year. We     |
|  had lunch and talked about old times and current times in Genesis.       |
|  She was kind, generous, and funny. I am thankful to have had this        |
|  opportunity as she is one of those truly genuine people that you are     |
|  thankful for having had the opportunity to know.                         |
|                                                                           |
|  As I sit here and write these personal experiences that, I hope, help    |
|  to illustrate the impact Lilith had on folks she encountered within      |
|  this virtual world since she began playing in 1992, I am sad and         |
|  thankful. Sad that her presence is gone from this world and thankful     |
|  that she was a part of it. I am sad that others will not get to          |
|  experience speaking with her, but thankful she will live on in the       |
|  hearts of those who knew her, as well as immortalized within the         |
|  countless contributions she has made to Genesis.                         |
|                                                                           |
|  Thank you Lilith, thank you Rae, and most of all thank you Kelly.        |
|  You will be deeply missed.                                               |
|                                                                           |
|  Tim/Mirandus                                                             |
|                                                                           |
|                                                                           |
|  Lilith was a singular persona in the long and storied history of         |
|  Genesis, and I am very sad at her passing. The briefest description I    |
|  could imagine for her is simply the word, "Formidable." She was gifted   |
|  with wicked smarts, infectious wit, bold style, voracious creativity,    |
|  grand vision, and profound and varied interests.                         |
|                                                                           |
|  Her contributions to what Genesis has become over the years would be     |
|  nearly impossible to fully list, for while she herself created vast      |
|  amounts of vivid and distinct content, much of her impact has always     |
|  been dynamic, and related to the way she works among the people.         |
|                                                                           |
|  As both a mortal and  a wizard, she felt deeply for the concept that     |
|  players were the smartest and most valuable part of the game             |
|  community, and deserved to be given the tools and agency to realize      |
|  their potential and promise. Her approaches were, quite often,           |
|  controversial and polarizing. Even so, in the end I will always call     |
|  Genesis a much richer place for her work and her ways. She is unlike     |
|  anyone else who has been here. We will not see her like again.           |
|                                                                           |
|  Farewell, Friend of the Donut.                                           |
|                                                                           |
|  Gorboth                                                                  |
|                                                                           |
|                                                                           |
|  I did not know Lilith personally, but this is what I would say to her    |
|  if I could:                                                              |
|                                                                           |
|  Your work is a magnificent legacy to inspire and challenge creators      |
|  never to settle for "good enough". You have set the bar where it         |
|  belongs: the heavenly Source.                                            |
|                                                                           |
|  With eternal gratitude,                                                  |
|                                                                           |
|  Santetra                                                                 |
|                                                                           |
o- -------------------------------------------------------------------------o
|                                                                           |
|   My favorite Lilith memory is this excerpt from the header of the        |
|   web-cloth body stocking file that Lilith created:                       |
|                                                                           |
|   * Revisions:                                                            |
|   *   Lilith, May 2004: Took TORSO off the set_at list. I don't know who  |
|   *                     added it there, but if I find TORSO in this file  |
|   *                     again, I am going to break someone's fingers.     |
|                                                                           |
|   From /d/Avenir/common/city/obj/stocking.c                               |
|                                                                           |
|   (The body-stocking, as most of you know, does not cover a person's      |
|   breasts).                                                               |
|                                                                           |
|   Tapakah                                                                 |
|                                                                           |
|                                                                           |
|  It's somehow both chilling, and beautiful in a way, that one of Kelly's  |
|  last creations for Genesis was a quest where the player gets to meet     |
|  the Sybarite god of death - Mascarvin.                                   |
|                                                                           |
|  You sadly ended up meeting Mascavrin much too early Kelly, and even      |
|  though you are no longer with us, your creativity will always amaze      |
|  and inspire new generations of players and wizards as long as Genesis    |
|  exists.                                                                  |
|                                                                           |
|  Ectios Kelly,                                                            |
|  Cherek/Magnus                                                            |
|                                                                           |

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