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Post by Postmaster » 24 Dec 2023 01:40

Originally posted by Goldbezie

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Hello all,

now i personally think this should not be on this board
but Galen wrote it here, and Cherek responded here,
i will leave my personal thoughts here as well...

First of all i want you to know i really aknowledge
i know nothing about strength, coding, power, bladibla...
People who know me, knows this very well, and most people do
So what i say here, has got nothing to do with coding
or knowledge about the game.
Im just a social person who fell in love with the Donut
years ago, and is still impressed with all the secrets and humor
the immortals have put in this realm.

What i would like to say is that what is Galen is saying should
be taken serious. He is not the only person who has questions
about the changes and what this mean to a certain guild...
again... know i am not an expert at all on these things..
im here just to inform the rumors that goes around so the immortal
might feel connection with the mortal
I ve spoken with vampires and i am sure they are not
lying when they say they are not that powerful as
people claim they are.
I am sure they have weak spots as most guilds.
Also i do agree that the guilds that are harder to get
in should have more power than the guilds without a council
where no hardcore roleplay is needed...
I loved how scared i was back then as a ranger
in ithilien, knowing if a MM showed up i only
could have a slight survival change.

But yes i do understand also why some changes
might make people think.

Also let me make clear, before i will advice the
wizards here...
i do believe that every wizard around now,
has the best intentions
yes im sure it was not always this
we are all human and we have our flaws
but removing a certain wizard/vampire
which i think should have been done long ago
i do believe that the current wizards
do the best to, without getting any better from this,
try their best in their freetime.
How lovely is that, thank you all!!!

What i personally think is the huge problem is
we dont know why certain changes are made
even though some of us are trying 20 years to make
something nice of this place
All the changes do seem to have a benefit
for vampires..
but i do want to believe this aint the truth
so share this information.
We all feel balance has always been a problem
in the Donut

We all know this is a world created with love
and dedication
we all know if you step through a portal
without knowing the price
there is always a price

So to both of you i want to say this:
dont make it personal
both of you are trying to make this world
a better place

My advice would be to give more information
why certain changes are made
i know secrets should remain bladibla
but if people are in the dark
you can expect complot theories

So here my penny, knowing the wizards will have
all kind of reasons not to agree
at least ive tried as did Galen.

Be well all and merry yule time to you all


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Re: Galen/Cherek

Post by Ckrik » 27 Dec 2023 04:51

Greetings Goldbezie,

If you recall, my very first major act as AoB (ending infinite
fatigue for undeads) was a major nerf for Vampires who at the
time were generating an insane amount of coin -- an oversight
regarding undeads that eluded the eagle eyes of many AoBs that
predated me. If I remember correctly that decision was casus
belli of a campaign for my removal as AoB among some players
even though it was plainly obvious that something had to be

The most recent change that prompted Galen's board post
(glowing holy armours) was purely a bug fix that no one
bothered with (until Santetra tackled it) because it was rather
low priority -- I had it on my list of TODOs and it was not
very high up on that list. Santetra has been going through the
bug reports across a couple domains and systematically fixing
things. I'm grateful that she corrected some rather embarassing
issues in Earthsea that I'm aware of but haven't had the time
to tackle. Even without Santetra's recent attention the bug
with the armours would eventually get fixed.

Anyhow, since I'm getting flamed from 2 equally vocal and
passionate opposing camps -- occupational hazard of balancing
on a knife edge -- I'm probably doing something right
in terms of balance. We're always open for a constructive
discussion but baseless accusations consisting of cherry picked
arguments do not advance any improvements to the game.

If there is a bug (like the glowing armours), report it and
we'll eventually fix it. If there is a potential balance issue,
write up some action items and reasons why it should be
implemented and we may take into account well thought out
player suggestions. Many of the balance corrections that we
make actually do originate from player suggestions in some
fashion. Though I have a reputation for being stingy and a
nerfer, I have also granted buffs when appropriate.

Lastly, things take time and even if we identify an issue and
have a consensus regarding remedies to imbalance, it may take a
while to get implemented. We have a pretty full pipeline of
TODOs, so corrections to balance is very much an everyday
ongoing and never ending task.


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