The Beginning: Venus, one day walks to Sparkle, where she sees Artix, Anniyas, and a newbie named Lohier. They chat for a bit, in this group, where Artix tries to convince Lohier to be good, and become a Knight. It works.. and Lohier decides to make a couple of not so nice comments about the Red. Venus, being a good soldier, tells the Lohier he better have some respect, seeing as the Red Dragonarmy is worthy of it. Artix takes offense to this statement and decides to tell Venus that "If she touches the newbie he will lance his dagger through her throat." At this, Venus is not only shocked, but a bit giggly, seeing as Artix was not the best at killing. So she told him, "I would like to see you try." Now Anniyas got involved, and took Artix's threat literally, throwing a dagger through Venus's throat. Artix assisted her, and made his first mistake. He threw an icy brew at Venus right when combat started, and taunted her: "How does that stun taste?" This is funny because when it wore off, Venus was able to escape purely because Artix was too excited. She found him a couple minutes later, alone, because Anniyas was whining to the General of the Red, and when Artix attacked her, she had him fleeing in minutes.
The Aftermath: After this whole thing Venus, minding her business, suddenly gets a summons from Klein, the newly appointed General of the Red. Klein, a good friend of Anniyas and Artix, decided he did not want his _only_ soldier to be defending the name of his Army, so he demoted Venus. Venus, outraged at her superiors idiocy, decided she would not stand for idiots as superiors, and decided to leave the Red. A Priest asked her: "Why did you leave the Red?" Venus's answer was "I was demoted for defending its name, so I will leave, it has lost honor." She was met with agreement, and she went on her day. The funny thing is, when Klein told Venus later on the war plains that she was lazy and her tasks showed as much, Venus remembered Klein praising her to high heaven. So maybe the new general is also a liar.. interesting.
The Fight: Now, after this whole incident Venus died down quite a bit, to focus her mind. She was quite a bit smaller than Artix at this point, but she scried him, looking for a perfect opportunity to strike. And she remembered the words mailed to her.. all that time ago. "Don't idle, I will kill you." Well she took his advice. Venus found Artix in Sparkle, and within a minute, he fell. She promptly took his skin, and dropped his blade in the Priesthood's donation box, with a nice mail informing them of his death. Venus and Artix II happily rode off into the sunset, and Artix unsuccessfully whined to the immortals about the kill.
Moral of the story? Listen to your own advice.