Aure uva loite!

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Posts: 45
Joined: 23 Oct 2023 05:01

Aure uva loite!

Post by Santetra » 30 Nov 2024 01:25

Code: Select all

          ,'_,-'  __________________  `-._`.
        ,','  _,-'__________________`-._  `.`.
       ,','  ,'_,-'        .        `-._`.  `.`.
      /,'  ,','           >|<           `.`.  `.\
     //  ,','         ><  ,^.  ><         `.`.  \\
    //  /,'         ><   / | \   ><         `.\  \\
   //  //         ><    \/\^/\/    ><         \\  \\
  ;;  ;;                 `---'                 ::  ::
  ||  ||                 (____                 ||  ||
 _||__||_               ,'----.               _||__||_
(o.____.o)               `---'               (o.____.o)
  |    |                                       |    |
  |    |            Aure uva loite!            |    |
  |    |                                       |    |
  |    |    Ranger firecraft had surpassed     |    |
  |    |        the Numenorean oath of         |    |
  |    |    Aure entuluva! such that their     |    |
  |    |     campfires spread light even       |    |
  |    |      when extinguished. For the       |    |
  |    |      balance of Arda, this is no      |    |
  |    |              longer so.               |    |
  |    |                   _                   |    |
  |    |   :             '|))              :   |    |
  ;____:   `._           `'              _,'   ;____:
 {______}     \_________________________/     {______}

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