Code: Select all
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| Hail in the Name of the Lidless Eye! |
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| By order of the King of Middle Earth, a reminder is penned below, to |
| those that would draw the terrible attention of the Nine: |
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| *The vast majority of you will fail. |
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| *The humanity will be stripped from you, by whatever means necessary. |
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| *You will be tasked, tested, punished, and broken so that you may be |
| rebuilt according to His will. |
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| *You will not be coddled. |
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| *You will learn your place. |
| |
| *Should you survive the Forging, you will emerge stronger than you |
| ever thought possible. |
| |
| *Most of all, you will have a place in His Elite, and in the world |
| made anew. |
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| By the order of King Ortruin-Er, |
| Drugoth |
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| ___ ___ ___ _____ _____ _____ _ _ _|