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Re: Way to go, Finwe!

Posted: 18 Mar 2011 00:28
by Tive
You can always use the map in the levatory in Gelan after you are done there, no?
Very useful *nod nod*

Re: Way to go, Finwe!

Posted: 18 Mar 2011 02:34
by Cherek
amberlee wrote:It is not ungratefulness.
It is just that i see so much more important things to be done then update the magic map
Its a matter of what wizards enjoy doing. People usually dont volunteer to do something if they dont enjoy it.

I always nag about "Why arent people doing more to attract new players, why are they working on this and that instead?!". And I know the answer.

But as I said, I think the magic map is an important thing since its something helpful for new players. I personlly care very little for us oldies, and I care even less for expanding the world when we are too spread out already.

Re: Way to go, Finwe!

Posted: 18 Mar 2011 05:56
by Amberlee
Cherek... You have no idea how small the donut really is :p