Hektor 3 shots a Necro Titan for being a Necromancer

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Re: Hektor 3 shots a Necro Titan for being a Necromancer

Post by Hektor » 18 Apr 2011 19:19

Draugor. :) I believe I am entitled to my opinions as you are yours. I disagree with your reasoning on layman and occupational guilds.

You assume it was tallon they would use to kill you there. Also you assume it is only location based - this is not the case. I am not going into details as per your own reasoning. Is it possible they will need more -absolutely. I was speculating mind you. Do you think a mage would need 2 spells or more?

I was not saying MM do this or that. I am simply saying that pfighting is part of the game and if you join a guild with a certain theme (occupational or layman) you might expect guilds of an opposing theme to do just that.. oppose you. Again. I was told by some layman angmars that they were Angmars first and then occupational second, same for certain bloodguards. It just seems like an easy way out to say it is a one way thing? But maybe that is just me. Join a guild. Expect theme. Thats my view - feel free to have your own:)

You say that if you can 3 shot someone you should never attack them. So no matter what they do you would never attack someone you have a more than fair advantage against? Can you say all your kills and attacks have been in that line Draugor?

Ilrahil. I just seem to recall you screaming at me on MSN (along with other interesting excerpts from a very impressive arsenal of a vocabularium that you were close to titan and now I had ruined that for you, it is very possible I am wrong! The logs I have do not show size).

You write in a heading that I attack on the basis of you being a necromancer, now you write you don't really remember at all. That suggests to me that it is propaganda. Why write it then? Whether that is really your intent, I don't know. I just presented my experience of that incident.

I have seen a legend BDA slash take champions 2 health levels as well. Do you suggest then that spells (which are burst in nature) should do less? Also. Do we compare a caster vs a caster? Because there are spells out there faster and in each more powerful per hit than the gaze ever was - against all targets, evil or not.

Never did I suggest that the 3 trolls hitting you was a factor, or that my teammembers assisted. However, just saying that if you were fighting terel trolls as a hero/titan, there might be spells in the PoT/MM arsenal that would be far more dangerous than the SC gaze and not require 3 shots but less. Maybe that was unclear in my note. Note I am not going for a nerf MM or PoT here, just wondering about the base of comparison.

Regarding the Manowar log.
You are very right - I certainly did not use my entire arsenal. Had I used the entire arsenal, I can tell you it would (both old and current SC version) have been _much less_ effective vs him than they were you. You can take my word for it or not.

I did not present that note as a SC are poor/AA are great. I did not even post it. I am just responding to your note suggesting I kill people for being necromancers and complaining about the balance, which I then try to draw some comparisons to.
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Re: Hektor 3 shots a Necro Titan for being a Necromancer

Post by Amberlee » 18 Apr 2011 19:25

No there are not any spells in the PoT arsenal that do that much damage... Not even close..
Not even sure that MM has that powerful spells, but they do come close i suspect.. They can however not heal themselves.
The wrong thing about SCOP is that they are a cleric guild with the offensive power of a mage.
You say the are specialists against undead.. Yet they seem to be able to do insane things to the living aswell.
Or they used to be like that.

How they are NOW i do not know or care much about.
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Re: Hektor 3 shots a Necro Titan for being a Necromancer

Post by Hektor » 18 Apr 2011 19:30

Amberlee you are wrong from almost A to Z in this note. Either you are propagandaing or you just dont know the 3 guilds (both thematically and powerwise) as well as you think - and perhaps deliberately misreading my note?

I will not chime in though, because it would turn into revealing abilities, along with some major SC weaknesses :) pointing fingers at other guilds etc. - I am just not doing that, sorry. - Nice fishing though ;)
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Re: Hektor 3 shots a Necro Titan for being a Necromancer

Post by Wolverine » 18 Apr 2011 19:32

"Not use any spells in Calia"


I love when players think they are gods.. hahahahahahahahah


Re: Hektor 3 shots a Necro Titan for being a Necromancer

Post by Ilrahil » 18 Apr 2011 19:35

Oh yes Wolverine. In the times of Yanus and Maxyz playing I was threatened daily for being in Calia even if I stepped out of a red portal. Made me miss Maur even more than I already did when those idiots were in charge of the guild.

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Re: Hektor 3 shots a Necro Titan for being a Necromancer

Post by Alexi » 18 Apr 2011 19:35

For me if Hektor would care to comment on killing me (When I was a Titan, Vampire (undead)) it would prove the fact there was a imbalance issue with the SCoP for a while. 1 hit mind you, from FVW to Death. Now its highly probable they are balanced since that happen.

But if that shows the type of firepower they did have, then it was basically a I-Win button against anyone.

Still I think its a unique guild that brings some good "no pun intended" to Genesis.

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Re: Hektor 3 shots a Necro Titan for being a Necromancer

Post by Wolverine » 18 Apr 2011 19:46

After Straag's Humor note on the N*zi kroug I suggest that we close down the domain of Calia and its guilds :evil:

Thats how things went down when Khiraa came in the 90's

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Re: Hektor 3 shots a Necro Titan for being a Necromancer

Post by Hektor » 18 Apr 2011 19:52


I have on several accounts said - SC had balance issues. For whatever reasons - that we can get into if you would like to discuss it. I mean I could sit and point at certain logs of Vampires killing me without me being able to do anything. Guilds being able to fight me and nullifying all my abilities without me being able to do anything in return, layman abilities specifically coded towards SC , or Angmars doing more damage to me than I could ever do with a spell versus undeads or or or or.

But.. thats not what this is about. It is in the past. and what I was trying to say - balance issues occur, some heavier than others, at times. It just seems to me that there is a very one-sided perspective - and a large deal of propaganda, which I am then trying to respond to.

I have never said SC was always right, perfect or super balanced, nor will I.

The attack in question. I am rereading the log now. It was not fvw to death. That is simply not true. Nor was it a single spell I used. I used more than 7 at the time, and 3 of these hit you. Was the final spell that took you out too powerful in my opinion? _Absolutely_ Was it more powerful than certain abilities available to some guilds today? Not even close.

SC has been recoded since then. This is also where I could complain that we were told that other guilds at that time would be recoded to match our downgrade and it never happened - but I will not - and you know why? - This is a game based on volunteer workforce, and balance issues occur. I am fine with that. It happens.:)

What bothers me, however, is the one-sided perspective, lack of facts and aggressive tone I see in these debates. I have tried respond to it.
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Re: Hektor 3 shots a Necro Titan for being a Necromancer

Post by Draugor » 18 Apr 2011 19:57

Hektor, the smallest one I have ever attacked was a Calian around... RH? I was a titan back then and as I recall we where in an official war with the Calians when I was a AA wich was the time it happened. And it took alot more than 3 hits, sure she died fast might have been due to what I was wielding at the time, the main reason I managed to kill a Calian standing with enter rock triggers was cause I feared her away from the rock. SupposeI could try joining Angtoth and see that as enough a reason to kill Hero sized militia members tho, suppose you'd give that your blessing :P

Hektor, I've FELT knights kattack taking me 2 lvls aswell when I was a champ and goblin at that, so my con was quite heavy, and on that knights have a few more specials, of wich one can hurt so bad that it makes ya wanna cry.

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Re: Hektor 3 shots a Necro Titan for being a Necromancer

Post by Hektor » 18 Apr 2011 20:02

Draugor wrote: SupposeI could try joining Angtoth and see that as enough a reason to kill Hero sized militia members tho, suppose you'd give that your blessing :P
It has been reason enough for champion sized fighters to, without warning to attack and hunt expertsized apprentice clerics in the past. That happens. We then responded in kind to the Anghoth. Is all that wrong by your reasoning?

Should these organizations then not interact with eachother or attack one another based on the fact that one is a club and the other an occupational guild?
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