Promotion of Genesis

Discuss ideas about promoting Genesis and inviting more players into the Genesis community
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Re: Promotion of Genesis

Post by Greneth » 02 May 2011 13:44

Calador wrote:
amberlee wrote:Of cource.. If we didnt play they wouldnt have anyone to code for.
Doesnt change the fact that we the players know the game better then the wizards do.
That is why i mean that WE should have much of the responsibility with promoting the game we play..
You would be surprised at how much the wizards know :)
I agree that it should be the players that take the responsibility though. Promotions from
the ones that develop a game is not as appealing as hearing it from the ones that actually
play, and enjoy, it.
And thus the other reason players shouldn't head something like this, difference of opinion which can cause conflict.

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Re: Promotion of Genesis

Post by Calador » 02 May 2011 13:58

It's not a big commercial campaign. It's just about spreading the word that the original
LPMUD is still alive and it is still the best :)

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Re: Promotion of Genesis

Post by Cherek » 02 May 2011 14:06

amberlee wrote:While it would be nice if such a thing could actually work..
I think it would be abused.
People could make a second and say "Oh thats my friend Bob.. He is new to the game"
And then you get a reward.. If the game was account based.. I would agree with you Cherek.. But it isnt.. so i dont :)
Well there should have to be some type of control of course. The new player has to stay and reach a certain level or so... and loss of quest XP if you abuse it and create your own seconds just to get rewards...


The rewards are not in form of quest XP or other things that would appeal to the people who might abuse it. (power grinders most likely). But rather rewards that would appeal to those who truly want new players. Whatever that could be. A title? A statue in Sparkle? Your own house?

But so what if someone find a way to abuse it? People always find a way, but there are many honest players too. (I hope).

50% abuse it and 50% use it to gain truly new players? I say that is still a positive outcome?


Re: Promotion of Genesis

Post by Draugor » 02 May 2011 16:01

Cherek wrote:
amberlee wrote:While it would be nice if such a thing could actually work..
I think it would be abused.
People could make a second and say "Oh thats my friend Bob.. He is new to the game"
And then you get a reward.. If the game was account based.. I would agree with you Cherek.. But it isnt.. so i dont :)
Well there should have to be some type of control of course. The new player has to stay and reach a certain level or so... and loss of quest XP if you abuse it and create your own seconds just to get rewards...


The rewards are not in form of quest XP or other things that would appeal to the people who might abuse it. (power grinders most likely). But rather rewards that would appeal to those who truly want new players. Whatever that could be. A title? A statue in Sparkle? Your own house?

But so what if someone find a way to abuse it? People always find a way, but there are many honest players too. (I hope).

50% abuse it and 50% use it to gain truly new players? I say that is still a positive outcome?
That idea I like, some RPish reward so to speak, the house sounds awsome, but we need to make sure they dont just function as a personal rack -.-

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Re: Promotion of Genesis

Post by Kitriana » 03 May 2011 01:01

Kitriana wrote:Actually went to go vote today... and realized all of the connecting info never got updated. How does one fix that?
finally got my account set up on topmuds and tried to help to update this info. It says that Mrpr has "claimed" Genesis... which of course makes sense. Could we ask him to please update the info on it? I know we aren't ACTIVELY recruiting people in a big promotional campaign.. but it would make a lot of sense to me that at least the info on this major website be correct.
If something I wrote sounds confusing ... assume you misunderstood it.

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Re: Promotion of Genesis

Post by Zestana » 03 May 2011 01:34

Good idea Kitriana.

Its my opinion in regards to the other idea thrown around that we shouldn't need to give out rewards for bringing people in. To me that promotes an idea of... we aren't going to advertise unless we benefit from it in some way. Why can't the reward be the enjoyment of seeing 50-60 people online, and playing with a couple of your friends who you have gotten to play.

I mean a reward would be great if it was implemented, but I don't think its really necessary.

No one else has any ideas?
No word from the wizards on this?

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Re: Promotion of Genesis

Post by Kitriana » 03 May 2011 01:53

Btw -- Genesis is currently listed at Rank 61. :)

Click below to vote for Genesis:
If something I wrote sounds confusing ... assume you misunderstood it.

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Re: Promotion of Genesis

Post by Bromen » 03 May 2011 02:37


Up to #44 :)



Re: Promotion of Genesis

Post by Greneth » 03 May 2011 03:47

Yeah we really need an update compared to others heh.

Wonder if its possible to create a button link at the top of the forums? First thing everyone sees when they visit the forums and just a simple click?


Re: Promotion of Genesis

Post by Draugor » 03 May 2011 07:46

We so need Mrpr to update that, its the wrong adress on the info etc :o

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