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Re: Changeling / Shapeshifters

Posted: 25 Apr 2012 17:08
by Zhar
amberlee wrote:This is possibly something that could convince me to leave my beloved Rangers :O
Though the possibility is even higher if you follow Zhar's guidelines..
World of Darkness inspired <3
btw Zhar.. check out stuff around the comming MMO World of Darkness Online ;)
I'm following this pretty rigorously. Unfortunately it has been delayed indifinitely as CCP has pulled most of the stuff to work on some form of EVE 2.0 first. An MMO where your social contacts and abilities are even more important than actual stats and eq is most intriguing.

And Draugor, I believe that Petros stated that anything shapeshift-related is going to come after the magic recode is done. I'm not sure about this but Rangers might be a part of that (as they're spell users too).

Re: Changeling / Shapeshifters

Posted: 25 Apr 2012 17:37
by Amberlee
Actually it was delayed as CCP wanted to finish Dust 514 first.
But yeah.. its something i follow rigorously too ;)

Re: Changeling / Shapeshifters

Posted: 25 Apr 2012 18:12
by petros
I logged onto another mud with a shapeshifter guild. Here is their list of forms that they support.

Code: Select all

You gain the ability to transform into various
beasties.  Each creature gains special attack forms and/or

Forms             Lev     Cost          Forms             Lev     Cost
-----             ---     ----          -----             ---     ----
Normal             -       -            Remorhaz           24      55
Skunk              1       5            Beholder           25      60
Goblin             2       5            Vampire            26      60
Gremlin            3       5            Roc                27      65
Bullywug           4       5            Phoenix            28      70
Boa                5      10            Abishai            29      75
Gith               6      10            Giant              30      80
Anhkheg            7      15            Scaladar           31      85
Giff               8      15            Tanar'ri           32      85
Griffon            9      20            Dragon             35      90
Panther           10      20            Nightmare          40     100
Catoblepas        11      20            Gorilla            41     105
Troll             12      25            Pitfiend           42     110
Gorgon            13      25            Tarrasque          45     120
Thri-kreen        14      25            Bebilith           46     120
Hawk              15      30            Crimson death      47     125
Hydra             16      30            Mind flayer        48     130
Revenant          17      40            Adamantium dragon  49     135
Displacer         18      40            Otyugh             52     135
Ettin             19      45            Lich               56     140
Basilisk          20      50            Spectral death     60     145
Argos             21      50            Greater Wyrd       64     150
Banshee           22      55            Gargantua          75     150
Chimera           23      55

Humanoid forms:

Orc                1      10            Minotaur            20     50
Ogre              10      20            Death Knight        30     80

Re: Changeling / Shapeshifters

Posted: 25 Apr 2012 18:22
by Amberlee
That would be more of a shapeshifter/druid like concept.
Would you consider a more lycantrophic concept?

Re: Changeling / Shapeshifters

Posted: 25 Apr 2012 18:26
by Draugor
amberlee wrote:That would be more of a shapeshifter/druid like concept.
Would you consider a more lycantrophic concept?

There was a Lycan guild on Demonsgate, the Garou, damn nice guild at that.

A druid guild like the druids from the forgotten realms would be awsome, could use a guild in Faerun or something

Re: Changeling / Shapeshifters

Posted: 25 Apr 2012 19:03
by Zhar
I must confess that when Petros mentioned shapeshifter guild I also thought about lycanthropes, werebears, druids and the like. Not entirely sure I'd like to transform into a rat or something like that...

Neither do I see people transforming into something like that (sorry Petros):


Re: Changeling / Shapeshifters

Posted: 25 Apr 2012 19:32
by petros
Zhar wrote:Neither do I see people transforming into something like that (sorry Petros):

You're breaking my heart, Zhar. I'm going to include the picture purposely in the quote again so that I can see the picture of this wonderful dracolich more than once. *cackle*

I would certainly consider more of a lycan-style changeling guild. I know that was actually Eowul's focus. To me, you really can't have lycans without vampires. And that's just another discussion that we can have at a later time :) There's only so much "fun" that you can have with a limited number of forms. By introducing a shapeshifter guild, I think the quest possibilities (not actual quest xp, but questing for forms) becomes so much more intriguing. Imagine that in order to obtain the dragon form, you have to turn into a rat, crawl through some small spaces, turn into a hawk to fly up a cliff, turn into a basilisk to turn something to stone before you can smash it to smithereens using a banshee wail. All that to get access to an runic artifact that you can study the dragon form.

Re: Changeling / Shapeshifters

Posted: 25 Apr 2012 20:07
by Zhar
Well, I've always liked the concept of two worlds, the regular one and the shadow/spirit world (kind of like Umbra in WoD, you can read it up). I even once had an idea of creating a guild where you could shift between the two, and shapeshift into a shadowy, incorporeal form (wraith-like) in the real world. It would open a whole new level of possibilities, like circumventing some travel paths via the shadow world (anyone who played Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver will know what I mean here), enhanced/limited interaction, a whole new world to explore etc.

But then I thought about the amount of how much time and effort it would actually take to code such thing and I gave up on it :)

Edit: Oh, and I like the idea of questing for forms and utilising them for guru quest of sorts. But still, I'd limit that to druid-like thing and allow them to transform into some animals (and give them pets too!) but dragons, banshees and such... It's just too much in my eyes.

Re: Changeling / Shapeshifters

Posted: 25 Apr 2012 20:36
by Laurel
Skunk! The perfect shapeshift for me!

Re: Changeling / Shapeshifters

Posted: 25 Apr 2012 22:27
by Kas
Legacy of Kain == win. :)