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Re: Equipment idea

Posted: 22 Oct 2010 01:06
by Alorrana
second thought, What about some major cities having an armoury, Wich could be opened when the crashes happen. Then when the game is back up the Armourys would open for 12 hrs or something, perhaps less or more. Then Travellers could go there and pay for some armours and weapons. They could use Cities like Minas Tirith, Minas Morgul, Palanthas, Gelan and Sparkle(when its up and fully running.) I mean it might improve interactions between players, team gathering for hunts, and such, if there was only a selected few cities where you could get stuff.
And about the Armours and weapons able to be bought in the shops, perhaps make them good actually, but let them have a short span life. The items you get where Scale/amc/golden platemail Ac like and just with local armoury logoes and ornaments on, and then the weapons would be like kestrel swords, HSC(without special) things like that, Avarage to good stuff, and then give them a life of 12 or x amount hrs then they would rust away or dull to spoons. (just a thought) then after 12 or X amount hrs the armouries would again shut down, and people will have 12 or x amount hrs to start the restocking.. Perhaps more time to the items to live, now that i heard something about a new up time.But anyways, just a little olĀ“idea on the subject.
Bringing Armourys and smiths to the guilds would only shut em off more and avoid guild interactions.. If there only where a few town with a time limit, it would kinda force people to meet and talk. not that it should be forced upon them.. but its always nice to meet friends and go on a hunt for armours and weapons and xp... ect ect.
