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Re: WoHS

Post by Rhaegar » 15 Feb 2011 21:06

amberlee wrote:Actually pen & paper RPGs never really managed to balance the classes properly either :p
Evidence #1.. Druids and wizards in D&D 3rd edition, and with that said.. druids being unkillable..
Even the best systems have balance problems when some min-maxing players sit down to create characters, exploiting every loophole and advantage there is.



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Re: WoHS

Post by Greneth » 15 Feb 2011 22:17

Makfly wrote:
amberlee wrote:Fighter and Magic guilds can never be properly balanced...
That's just nonsense.

Ofcourse figther and magic guilds can be balanced. They have been balanced in pen & paper RPGs and in computer games alike for ages.
They have? Thats odd because out of all the games I have played... and I've played alot. The mage class always out damages anything else bar maybe an Archer in certain ones 9/10 times. And in those games the only way a Fighter could hope to beat a mage 1vs1 was if they were geared to the teeth, got a stun off and threw the mage off their game, the mage was a newbie or the mage was ganked. Otherwise a few well placed freeze, slow, confuse, fear spells and the fighter was done after a few nuke spells.

They also had the highest upkeep, hardest to level, tons of gear restrictions and gear costed the most with it being the hardest to find, unable to grind like any other.

I believe that sums up 90% of all mages.

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Re: WoHS

Post by gorboth » 15 Feb 2011 23:26

The build we are working toward balances out like this:

Damage occurs via: special attack
Frequency: varies, but at regular, recurring intervals between 7-15 seconds on average
Damage amount: low to medium
Duration: virtually endless
Requires: weapon, typically, but not always

Damage occurs via: spell
Frequency: varies by casting time, typically 3-10 seconds.
Damage abount: medium to very high
Duration: until mana runs out
Requires: mana, components

It boils down to limited burst vs. endless steady. Basic principle, if the fighter can survive the initial burst, the warrior wins. Before you start to talk about how this just isn't how it works in Genesis - well ... we haven't recoded the Mage guilds yet. This is the idea we are after.

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Re: WoHS

Post by Chanele » 15 Feb 2011 23:48

If this is your plan I really hope with the recode you actually make manapoints count because today there are several items that will recover your mana faster then you can spend it. Today you have casters with faster cast rate, more damage and only limitation is components which is equal for fighters. We need herbs and good gear to be able to keep up our damage just as caster needs the same...flawed

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Re: WoHS

Post by Cherek » 16 Feb 2011 00:14

Chanele: He did say it hasnt been recoded yet...:) Personally I am hoping that INT and WIS will get a little more useful, now it seems like combats are the must useful stats even for spellcasters which seems a little odd.

How are those recodes coming along by the way? And I dont just mean for spellcasters but in general?

Or has everything been more or less put on hold for the imbuements / newbie dungeon?

I really liked the "Now this part is 90% done, now this part is 50% done etc" that you used to update the imbuement progress, maybe the recode of guilds could get a similar progress update now and then? You used to update that in the past, but those notes stopped coming... :(

I think it encourages people, as long as there is no exact date which will work the other way if it isnt reached.. But its nice to see 50% turn into 60% etc now and then.

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Re: WoHS

Post by Navarre » 17 Feb 2011 06:24

Louie did a lot of great work on the WoHS.

If you can persuade him to come back... who knows maybe he could finish the WoHS!


Re: WoHS

Post by Lindros » 17 Feb 2011 06:40

Chanele wrote:Gorboth..
If this is your plan I really hope with the recode you actually make manapoints count because today there are several items that will recover your mana faster then you can spend it. Today you have casters with faster cast rate, more damage and only limitation is components which is equal for fighters. We need herbs and good gear to be able to keep up our damage just as caster needs the same...flawed

Lets not forget the ability some casters have, to drain mana out of their foes.

I would say, items such as the silvery thorns other mana regen items, needs to be overlooked by the Aob once more. With casters being the sizes they are now(since much of the old limitations to grinding was removed/tweaked so casters could grow quickly), and with some guild heals being as strong as they are, these items are flawed.


Re: WoHS

Post by Greneth » 17 Feb 2011 06:52

navarre wrote:Louie did a lot of great work on the WoHS.

If you can persuade him to come back... who knows maybe he could finish the WoHS!
What can we bribe him with?

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Re: WoHS

Post by Celephias » 21 Feb 2011 03:36

Chanele - can you point me to this item that regains mana points faster than I can use them? If I'm casting for real, I am out of mana in about one minute. I'd love an item that regains mana for immortal int in under a minute. If you also come across the component auto-generator send that along as well.

I want to get in all my shots before the recode! ;-)

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Re: WoHS

Post by Tive » 21 Feb 2011 09:58

Celephias wrote:Chanele - can you point me to this item that regains mana points faster than I can use them? If I'm casting for real, I am out of mana in about one minute.
if the fighter type dude your size (no idea how big you are) is fighting something that requires you to cast for real.. he probably will be dead in less than 30 seconds?:P

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