Punishments in Genesis

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First offence of Double Logging - Fair/Harsh enough

1 week suspension
Loss of 1/4 combat experience
Loss of 1/2 combat experience
Total votes: 30

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Re: Punishments in Genesis

Post by Mersereau » 27 Feb 2016 18:46

Sykil wrote:I am glad they ask what players think. This is transparency and opportunity. Mersereau, we disagree.

Considering on the forum you can have more than one login, you can be a cheater and skew the vote. You can also champion a cause that such an offense isn't serious.

Furthermore, when we get a new AOP punishments are probably going to be handed out differently.
"Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you fall into an open sewer and die."
-Mel Brooks

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Re: Punishments in Genesis

Post by Sykil » 27 Feb 2016 19:34

PLEASE STOP HURTING ME!!! I have mild down syndrome and problems relate to other people. It's not fair because also I am new! If you had to wear a man-diaper and ask for help, you would feel the same, so PLEASE STOP!!!
Somebody send this to me when I start:

Genesis Start Guide

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Re: Punishments in Genesis

Post by Ydred » 27 Feb 2016 19:59

Now, since I know you to be a masochist and I a sadist.


But it is such sweet (verbal) gamahuche you perform upon my ear.

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Re: Punishments in Genesis

Post by Syrk » 27 Feb 2016 20:25

Sykil wrote:I have mild down syndrome and problems relate to other people. It's not fair because also I am new! If you had to wear a man-diaper and ask for help, you would feel the same, so PLEASE STOP!!!
Seriously, this is no flames board, so you should stop harassing poor Cherek. Please.

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Re: Punishments in Genesis

Post by Kvator » 28 Feb 2016 00:43

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Re: Punishments in Genesis

Post by Mirandus » 28 Feb 2016 01:22

Greetings Folks,

Thanks for everyone who has posted their thoughts and opinions.

My hope here was not to have you decide on what the punishments would be but to determine what the players would consider an appropriate punishment for the action. Some feel the options aren't harsh enough, that's totally fine, others feel it is too harsh. Ultimately you are all right. I will have to listen to the player and make a decision. I want to try and be as consistent as possible, that's the point.

I also what to tell you that I want people to play. Yes, I want them to play without breaking the rules, but I do want players. Deletion, for me, isn't really conducive to this. Rather, removal of combat xp, or something that might entice a player to play more while still indicating to them they've stepped out of line is worth considering. Does deletion have its place, absolutely, and maybe this is one of those cases...certainly not on the first offense.

What I want to try to do is get these rules in place so the next AoP who comes in has them to reference. I'd like to develop a matrix so I am consistent and so the person who follows me can try to remain consistent too. Whether this happens or not, who knows, but I can at least try.

The main point of all this is: I want to treat players fairly, as best as possible, when handing out punishments. Yes there will need to be deviation in some cases, but as I've said before a benchmark allows for there to be appropriate ramping up/down of a punishment based on the nature of it.

So, this has helped, a lot, and I appreciate it.


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