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Re: Faerun - Leia's Thread

Posted: 16 May 2010 20:53
by Alorrana

Re: Faerun - Leia's Thread

Posted: 16 May 2010 23:22
by Bromen
Alorrana wrote:Ehhrm.. Not to discurage anybody.. but should we focus more on ME.
It has huge lacks.. and misses quite the bit.. But if NO. cheers on Faerun.
dont know a diddely do about it.. I come to get a warhammer, rest seems pretty much not worth it.. but would be cool if it was made more fun.
now imagine that warhammer doing EH type damage, can be thrown, and instantly reappears in your hand.

CoH isn't a viable assassin's guild. I'm speaking Artemis type stuff here boys.

Re: Faerun - Leia's Thread

Posted: 17 May 2010 15:58
by Leia
Wow! Lots of responses!

You guys are definitely giving me lots to think about. For sure, know that I am taking all of this in, and intend on starting to work towards a better Faerun for us all! There definitely is a lot of room to grow the domain, and thematically, should any of you wish to help with making sure the domain is true to story lines, I may be looking for that in the future. I will let you know. I've had a bit of experience with Faerun, but I am by no means a master of the tales. :-D

Anyhow, I am glad that you are all as excited about this as I am. This definitely gives me a positive energy boost to get something done. :-D

Re: Faerun - Leia's Thread

Posted: 17 May 2010 16:01
by Leia
avatar wrote:My wife coded a bunch of magical weapons, NPC's with nasty abilities and a bunch of other things, when Faerun was founded.

Are those things not available for you to implement, Leia?

I will have to look into this, Avatar. Finwe was in charge of the domain, so he would know more about it, but he's pretty busy IRL. So, I will need to poke around and see if I can come up with them / if they are viable to implement. Thanks for the heads up, though!

Re: Faerun - Leia's Thread

Posted: 17 May 2010 16:43
by Amberlee
No offense here ment but quite frankly im surprised Finwe managed to get anything done at all.
His work has nothing to do at all with what the previous Liege of Faerun intended or worked towards.
Also i think his skill with code is somewhat lacking...

Lets just take the lizardmen in faerun into consideration.
In plural it would be Lizardmen.. though if you want to examine a group of them you have to write lizardmans

Re: Faerun - Leia's Thread

Posted: 17 May 2010 16:48
by Rhaegar
amberlee wrote: Also i think his skill with code is somewhat lacking...

Lets just take the lizardmen in faerun into consideration.
In plural it would be Lizardmen.. though if you want to examine a group of them you have to write lizardmans
That might not be the result of lacking skill in coding, looks more like lacking skill in grammar to me. :)

Re: Faerun - Leia's Thread

Posted: 17 May 2010 17:22
by Amberlee
Well not to mention that most of the actual code there is copy/paste ;p

Just look at the orcs..
add some size, remove the restraining special and Bob's your uncle..

Not to mention time spent on coding less then half a domain :(

Though i was happy enough.. drow racial guild finally opened ;p

Re: Faerun - Leia's Thread

Posted: 17 May 2010 17:44
by Bromen
I'll volunteer for helping any way I can.

Shall I start work on the vault of ages? :)

Re: Faerun - Leia's Thread

Posted: 17 May 2010 22:09
by Leia
amberlee wrote:No offense here ment but quite frankly im surprised Finwe managed to get anything done at all.
His work has nothing to do at all with what the previous Liege of Faerun intended or worked towards.
Also i think his skill with code is somewhat lacking...

Lets just take the lizardmen in faerun into consideration.
In plural it would be Lizardmen.. though if you want to examine a group of them you have to write lizardmans

Let's not spend time downing people in this thread please. Finwe is a great contributor to Genesis as a whole, and I won't stand for people trashing him just because he is not here to defend himself. I will ask the thread to be locked and closed if this is the path we are going to continue down.

Yes there are bugs with Faerun. There are bugs with Sybarus, bugs with Emerald, bugs in every domain in the game (found or not.) Coders aren't perfect.

Re: Faerun - Leia's Thread

Posted: 17 May 2010 22:25
by Amberlee
There is no need to jump at his defence.
I only commented on his ability not his will to help the game in general or him as a person.
In fact every time i talked with him he was more then helpful and forthcomming.

And truth be told i think everyone here that writes in this thread all want the same.
To see Faerun become the domain it has the potensial to be..