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Re: Neidar Clan

Posted: 24 Oct 2014 07:37
by Arman
When I coded the Neidar, I did so because there was a real gap in Genesis occupational guilds that suited the traditional/stereotype dwarf play style. The closest being the gladiators, however that didn't satisfy me as providing enough options, a complimentary combat system for that races strengths, or support for a player who wanted to embrace their race and a dwarvish heritage.

So the Neidar were coded with this in mind, with all the stereotypes that go along with it. The clan are, on a whole, good. They have strong dwarvish morals and have strict laws and traditions. They value loyalty to family and friends. Being good however doesn't mean they are angels. Dwarf is synonymous with stubborn. Physically as hard as a rock but incredibly thin-skinned to insult. And they hold their grog as well as they hold a grudge.

And the distinction of good / evil doesn't stack up that simply in the world of Krynn. Yes, Neidar clansmen have a love for the slaying of the goblinoid races to the point of it being a national sport. However they have almost as strong blood feuds with other 'good races'. Most obvious is that with the mountain dwarves. Much dwarven blood has been spilled on dwarven-forged axes and hammers. There are strong hostilities with the elves spanning back to the cataclysm. And the Council of Whitestone shows just how willing they are to pull out their weapons against the knights and elves when they think it is in the best interest of the clan.

So the Neidar are coded with that in mind. They aren't punished for mixing it up on occasion... however making a habit of it isn't promoted, and ultimately isn't accepted by the broader hill dwarf brotherhood. Hence the chop penalty. And yes, there are evil hill dwarves in Dragonlance lore, however more often than not that are exiles... such as Shale.

If a dwarf ultimately wants to embrace his darker nature, he is more than welcome to... however not within the clan without penalty. AA and the gladiators can offer support for those dark dwarves.

Arman Kharas - Patriarch of the Neidar Clan

PS Krynn and Ansalon theme is based around the period of the War of the Lance. So the first three Chronicles. Inspiration is also drawn from the Tales. You wont (shouldn't) see themes outside of that period (i.e. no Knights of Takhisis)

Re: Neidar Clan

Posted: 24 Oct 2014 09:06
by Arman
On the topic of teaming with the Dragonarmies, throughout the Chronicles there were a number of examples of the Free People forming an alliance with the Dragonarmies. The Seekers of Solace and the Lord of Tarsis are two prime examples. I believe even the elves and the Lord of Palanthas were treating with them at one point. None of them wanted any dealings with the Knights until they realised they didn't have any other champions to protect them. And really, popular opinion was against the knights as much as the Dragonarmies until the arrival of the Golden General with the dragonlance and good dragons.

That the Dragonarmies betrayed those alliances or were underhanded in their dealings is neither here nor there. They, fairly, thought they really didn't need allies as they had all the aces up their sleeves. Namely evil dragons on their side and a manufactured armed force of draconians made from the eggs of the good dragons.

And don't forget 'good' people did team with Dragonarmy soldiers. Tanis hooked up with Kitiara and became her officer for a bit and even fought Ariakas for her. Laurana, Flint, and Tasslehoff "teamed" with Bakaris when escorting him back to his forces. Sure - there were mitigating circumstances. It is all part of the story isn't it... so why can't it be so in Genesis? Kitiara and Sturm also had interesting history... if things went a bit differently they could have been very odd bed fellows? Knight and Highlord? Would Sturm have travelled with her, and potentially Lord Soth, for the chance of meeting his son and heir to the Brightblade legacy?

Anyway, in my view there is roleplaying and then there are cliches. Don't feel you are all stuck in the latter because your guilds have a background theme.

Re: Neidar Clan

Posted: 21 Nov 2014 01:53
by Bromen
I have recently teamed with Neidar members and we made quite a good team.

I find no reason not to team as long as the enemies we fight are mutual.
