Complaints about Block

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Re: Complaints about Block

Post by Rhynox » 08 May 2010 04:29

Hey, Tarax, try hunting someone with a team where everyone blocks, then come back and post your thoughts. We already did that, and is pretty funny (and won't work as you would expect).

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Re: Constructive feedback about Block

Post by Earth » 10 May 2010 15:55

Tarax the Terrible wrote:Not a complaint just some feedback.

It seems like the block command only looks for one word after the block command.
So if for example I try "block climb up" I get the message "block what?"
But if I use "block climb" it works "You move to position yourself to block the climb exit" etc
but you will not stop anyone from leaving.

You cannot block the board or disembarking of ships. Adding block ship to prevent movement on or off would be good.

It is impossible to set up a barricade block.
ie Block an exit from someone before that someone arrives.
I guess most people are happy with this. Would suck to enter a room and have 6 enemies waiting already blocking your return.
But I would think it would be good if some key rooms allowed you to do this.
Choke points in warfare areas etc.
But that would be a new command like man barricade and not blocking so is a bit of a tangent.
It seems that some are starting to figure out all the limitations of block that existed. Of course, knights figured out many of these and other "limitations" early on, but the knights let people speculate as the rumour of what block can do was much more powerful than block itself. ;)

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Re: Complaints about Block

Post by Alorrana » 10 May 2010 19:10

on block.. and barricading people.. why not if in a team be able to construct a roadblock.. if you put a city under siege for example.. the a team of 3 could build a barricade.. then it would block everything.. and if you have to move past it you would have to cut it down and destroy it.. would take a wee bit of time tho. but will help the blocking and hunting of sertan individs. hehe :-) Cheers :)
I’m not a complete idiot. Some pieces are missing.

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Re: Complaints about Block

Post by Elita » 11 May 2010 15:13

What about if a barricade would stop you but could be broken like one of those orc standards? That way people who just click on map 1000 rooms away gets screwed at least... And people who actively "play" trying to get away or pass one would have a chance. *shrug* just an idea.


Re: Complaints about Block

Post by Laurel » 18 May 2010 13:37

Loads of concern about casters ... how many active ones are there nowadays anyway? Besides - Lau has been poisoned by casters and non-casters in a lot of ways over the years. The outcome of the battles would never be possible to have changed IF the attackers had the block that's currently global. Of course the assumption is the badbadbad casters will not attack an afking enemy or a bot - in that case I couldn't care less about blocks when discussing the outcome of the battles.

Escape from the most feared DoT's and curses (out of those that Lau experienced) wasn't possible before global block. The only change with global block: the same caster who DoT'ed/cursed you already MIGHT have the time to fire off some nuke or a combo of DoT's/curses. In my opinion usually one of DoT's was enough to do the job, if you didn't have healers/decursers/herbs/potions at hand.

Btw. Gadez please come back - I miss our small poison/cleanse encounters. "We were concerned how quick you can cure one, so we had to try with more." :twisted:

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Re: Complaints about Block

Post by Velicus » 19 May 2010 04:51

The only reasonable idea for a barricade I can come up with one you can climb instantly unless you are being blocked. This wouldn't be an "I Win" button, but it would give a chance for an unexpected ambush, especially along popular roads. A barricade that requires combat to destroy or a time delay sounds like it would end up as an "I Win" button with enough blockers. Such a barricade also sounds like it could be used to inhibit and annoy players without invoking combat, intentional or not.


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Re: Complaints about Block

Post by Makfly » 19 May 2010 07:53

When I think barricade, I think of someone who's barricaded themselves, so others cannot get to them, not really something made to trap someone else in.
The problem in Genesis is that you cannot (normally) look what's ahead of you in the next location, even if it's just the next room of the house. But if you wanted to put up a barricade on the Great East road in Middle Earth for instance, people wouldn't be able to see it from the 5 meters down the road...It just doesn't seem like such a good idea to me, to be honest.
If people want something like that, I think the caltrops are a lot better way to go, so if needs be, perhaps buff those or create something along the same times (or better yet, bring back traps! (Shadow Walkers) and make Find and Remove Traps skill useful again).
Mortimor Makfly - Gnomish Xeno-Anthropologist

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Re: Complaints about Block

Post by Alorrana » 02 Jun 2010 16:13

so far block sucks !!! blows!! stinks !!

2 legends, 2 champs and 1 titan couldnt block one myth..

Wtf !! I seriously mean what the hell is the point of a block if
5 people block one location and the person just walks out anyway

Gees what a hoot !
I’m not a complete idiot. Some pieces are missing.


Re: Complaints about Block

Post by Creed » 02 Jun 2010 16:32

Not knowing the situation, Im quite sure the single person didn't just walk around you all, without being blocked at all.

He was probably just lucky, or big enough, to be fast enough to get out, before you had done sufficient damage to kill him.
I have the skill at sup guru, and people smaller than me still manage to get away.

Back when I was a monk, some people made a calculation as to how much theoretic extra skill you got, when you went from sup master to sup guru, because those 10 did such a big difference.

The number they came up with, was that it counted for as much as 143 in skill.. since the last 10 does a enormous difference.
In that light, then I ought to block as well as 5 other people, since I got 100(143) in block, and most others only got 30.

But its not so, and its not instantly a deathtrap, just because you block people. If it was like that, you could be very sure it would be removed again quite quickly.

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Re: Complaints about Block

Post by Earth » 03 Jun 2010 00:24

Alorrana wrote:so far block sucks !!! blows!! stinks !!

2 legends, 2 champs and 1 titan couldnt block one myth..

Wtf !! I seriously mean what the hell is the point of a block if
5 people block one location and the person just walks out anyway

Gees what a hoot !
I'm guessing from another thread who you were attacking... Remember, it's not just pure number of players that affects the effectiveness of block. Your skill levels and comparative stats make a big impact in it as well.

Maybe if it was 5 full knights at that size with fully trained block, it may have made a difference, but still i doubt it considering the target, I don't think even that hypothethical team could to damage fast enough before block was broken.

I remember at one point while block (not sure if it was the older block or the current one) was being tested it was multiplicative in nature. Meaning that if a knight with sup guru had a 90% percent chance of successfully blocking, then two fully trained knights would block at 90% + 90% of the leftovers = 99% effectiveness. We thought that was a little unfair. I'm not sure what was actually implemented, but it seems the admin took much effort in insuring that the block skill was not an I-WIN button.

Also, I think I was told that that the old block skill (not the current one) actually checked wisdom stat. I thought that was an interesting interpetation, but perhaps some part of the calculation still exists today, and maybe it affected your situation. *shrug*

Keep trying Alorrana, I'm sure eventually you will find the right combination to take your enemy down, but be careful what you ask for. Remember that knights have much higher block skill, so if you increase the effectiveness of block for all, then ours becomes more powerful as well.
