Welcome to the Genesis Official Forums!

Game announcements, birthdays, parties, marriages, and anything else you'd like to announce to the Genesis Community
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- Use common sense and be respectful towards each other at all times, even when disagreeing.
- Do not reveal sensitive game information. Guild secrets, player seconds are examples of things not allowed.
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Welcome to the Genesis Official Forums!

Post by gorboth » 03 Mar 2010 22:00

Greetings and Welcome to the Official Genesis Forum!

At long last, thanks to our fortuitous move to a new gizmo and the excellent efforts of Tapakah, Petros, and Eowul, an official web forum can now exist, hosted by your humble staff at Genesis LpMud.

"But ... but ... " you say, "There is already a Genesis forum! I post on it thirteen times an hour!"

Ah, but that would be one of those unofficial forums - subject to all the doom, gloom, despair, and negative energy with which such places are fraught! No, dear reader, you have found your way to a place of productivity, community, and positive game-building energies! Here the posts you and others contribute will be happily and vigorously moderated by your hard-working official Admin staff of the Game itself. Ahhhh ... breathe the fresh air!

So, what can we accomplish here?

- Discussions on how to improve the game, with full and enthusiastic wizard and player collaboration.
- Game promotion, including future concerted efforts to advertise the game with full community involvement.
- Community building, including nostalgia and coming together of old friends.
- A troll-free environment! (Disenfranchised sideliners, next stop please)

So let's get off the ground with a few structural/behavioral norms to facilitate the aforementioned positive environment:

1. Having trouble posting? No problem! Simply log into the game and mail Tapakah, Gorboth, and Petros. Tell them what user name you would like here, so that they can validate you.

2. Feel like posting a bunch of wiz-info or stuff that could get you deleted if you said it in-game? Um ... quick, run to the back yard and shout it into your garbage can! Feel better? Good. That's where it belongs, anyway. Wait ... not feeling better? Still gotta rant, but not with wiz-info? Alright, alright ... but keep it in the "Flames" section, please!

3. Questions? Concerns? Feel free to mail us!

And away we go!
Mmmmmm ... pie ...

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Re: Welcome to the Genesis Official Forums!

Post by petros » 03 Mar 2010 23:36

The common board integration has been finish, courtesy of Eowul. It'll make things like commenting and discussing common board posts nice and easy.

Anyone have ideas for other forums?

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Re: Welcome to the Genesis Official Forums!

Post by Cherek » 04 Mar 2010 15:01

Yey, I'm the first mortal to post. Is there a prize? :)

Anyway, I just wanted to post "I was first", but noticed how there was no category where that fits. I think we should have an "other stuff" (with a better name) category. Where you can post things that don't fit anywhere else? Like nonsense "I was first"-posts... ?

That's all I can think of, otherwise I think an official forum is a very good thing to have! Way to go.

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Re: Welcome to the Genesis Official Forums!

Post by petros » 04 Mar 2010 16:33

Cherek wrote: I think we should have an "other stuff" (with a better name) category. Where you can post things that don't fit anywhere else? Like nonsense "I was first"-posts... ?.
I've created a "Cornucopia - Everything Else!" forum. Feel free to head on over and post that you were first there too ;)

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