Basic stuff I am oblivious about...

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Basic stuff I am oblivious about...

Post by Drazson » 26 Jan 2016 17:27

Hello people.

As subject suggests I have some really basic questions that although seem to not be quite clear to many so I thought I'd try the forums.

1. Is strength applied to melee damage while using weapons?
2. Is it applied to unarmed combat as well or is it using strength?
3. Is dexterity applied to ranged combat or still strength applied there?
4. Is dexterity applied to chance to hit or something like that? Also is dexterity applied to something like dodge?
5. Either wisdom or intelligence applies to spell efficiency. Does that mean that damage spells do more damage with bigger Wis/Int and that with higher efficiency you can use the non damage spells to do harder things or something?
6. How do you become any of the subraces? (I am not sure which ones exist, I believe ogre kender minotaur or something?)
7. Any racial guilds in particular to have my eye on because of the big RP/mechanical bonuses it provides?
8. Any racial guilds that let you train some skills in particular? (I remember seeing some dwarf guild saying in description that let you train to some things).

I hope it is more clear now.

Last edited by Drazson on 27 Jan 2016 13:18, edited 1 time in total.


Re: Basic stuff I am oblivious about...

Post by Laurel » 27 Jan 2016 00:47

Considering how many views/replies your note had so far, I would indeed go for a clearer version of the questions you need answered :) There's many in your note that'd require quite a lot of writing each.
For example: some racial guilds offer actual perks (i.e. goblins - wolf riding, elves - horses and messengers, gnomes - analysis, kenders - dragonfear bypass, Thanarian's - messengers, orcs - free food, minotaurs - tessto 1h wielding, etc. etc.), but many other just some skills. Some have racks, inns, some nice places to RP (hobbit bath tubes!) and hang around. Some - nothing, even emotes are broken (not working).
Write it shorter and more precise and I'm sure the community will reward your effort with accurate answers.
Oh btw. if you want to ride something that flies, elves are a nono ... at least in other form than food for the steed/rider.

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Re: Basic stuff I am oblivious about...

Post by Drazson » 27 Jan 2016 15:53

I think it's a bit better now, thanks for the indication :)

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Re: Basic stuff I am oblivious about...

Post by Alisa » 27 Jan 2016 18:37

Drazson wrote:Hello people.

As subject suggests I have some really basic questions that although seem to not be quite clear to many so I thought I'd try the forums.

1. Is strength applied to melee damage while using weapons?
2. Is it applied to unarmed combat as well or is it using strength?
3. Is dexterity applied to ranged combat or still strength applied there?
4. Is dexterity applied to chance to hit or something like that? Also is dexterity applied to something like dodge?
5. Either wisdom or intelligence applies to spell efficiency. Does that mean that damage spells do more damage with bigger Wis/Int and that with higher efficiency you can use the non damage spells to do harder things or something?
6. How do you become any of the subraces? (I am not sure which ones exist, I believe ogre kender minotaur or something?)
7. Any racial guilds in particular to have my eye on because of the big RP/mechanical bonuses it provides?
8. Any racial guilds that let you train some skills in particular? (I remember seeing some dwarf guild saying in description that let you train to some things).

I hope it is more clear now.

1: Yes.
2: Yes.
3: No idea.
4: Yes. :-) You hit better with more dex, and your defence also seems to improve. No idea if its different between the weapon categories.
5: No clue, depends on the spells. Int gives mana, and wisdom grants mana regeneration.
6: Find the guild. There are many, in different places of the realms. Ask for a specific, and you´ll get an answer.
7: Yes. Many different items react differently to races and some to gender also.
8: Most racial guilds let you train a few skills, but nothing game changing.

Read the webpage on guilds. If you find something specific there, ask about it :-)

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Re: Basic stuff I am oblivious about...

Post by Elita » 27 Jan 2016 18:50

I'll give a try to answering this,

1, Yes it is
2, Yes it is
3, No idea how ranged combat works.
4, Dex is applied to your chance of hitting and dodging (Con is applied to how much damage you can handle)
5, Int and Wis as far as I know is used not to measure how hard a spell hit (Think that has a bit to do with guildxp and other stuff), But basically the Int is your bank for spells and the Wis is your capability to regain Mana.
6, You either go to Palanthas and visit the library, or join one of the other race guilds out there.
7, They all offer something, some are more generous in skills other in RP possibilities.
8, The ones that offer sub-races in Palanthas doesn't offer anything skillwise, but they don't tax you much either. Most things that are offered will be surpassed in general anyways when you later join a Occupational guild.

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Re: Basic stuff I am oblivious about...

Post by Sykil » 27 Jan 2016 18:51

Somebody send this to me when I start:

Genesis Start Guide
Somebody send this to me when I start:

Genesis Start Guide

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Re: Basic stuff I am oblivious about...

Post by Kvator » 27 Jan 2016 20:43

Elita wrote: 3, No idea how ranged combat works.
It doesn't. :)

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Joined: 02 Sep 2012 23:56

Re: Basic stuff I am oblivious about...

Post by Berwyn » 01 Feb 2016 22:16

Drazson wrote:Hello people.

As subject suggests I have some really basic questions that although seem to not be quite clear to many so I thought I'd try the forums.

1. Is strength applied to melee damage while using weapons?
2. Is it applied to unarmed combat as well or is it using strength?
3. Is dexterity applied to ranged combat or still strength applied there?
4. Is dexterity applied to chance to hit or something like that? Also is dexterity applied to something like dodge?
5. Either wisdom or intelligence applies to spell efficiency. Does that mean that damage spells do more damage with bigger Wis/Int and that with higher efficiency you can use the non damage spells to do harder things or something?
6. How do you become any of the subraces? (I am not sure which ones exist, I believe ogre kender minotaur or something?)
7. Any racial guilds in particular to have my eye on because of the big RP/mechanical bonuses it provides?
8. Any racial guilds that let you train some skills in particular? (I remember seeing some dwarf guild saying in description that let you train to some things).

I hope it is more clear now.

Might does affect how hard you smash someone in the same way dexterity lets you hit the right spot but also to dodge it. The stronger you are, your hits penetrate the armour of your foes. In case of magic, wisdom and intelligence lets you use magic, instead of making it ultra powerful.

There are a few subraces, hobgoblins, minotaurs, drows, dark elves, kender, ogres, half-elves, half-humans, orcs and.......undead. See the library in Sparkle, then travel to each place to find out more. : )

Krynnish elves might interest you if you're attracted by rp potential and extra bonuses, however orcs in Misty Mountains will make your life different; ) The former won't let you learn a thing, the latter will teach you a lot about fighting and scouting. Mind that the sorcerer, will let you become an orc only if you are fallen elf, goblins are all welcome to the caves.

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: D

Evil to him who evil thinks.

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