Saving Items

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Joined: 03 Mar 2010 22:37

Saving Items

Post by Postmaster » 03 Sep 2018 18:59

Originally posted by Plukragar

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One issue we have is magical items. They should not be saved on log out etc as
those are nice for others to use that are logged in.

One way without doing anything to magical items or any items in fact.

One alternative is to have everyone have a set of armours that are on them.
Always and these items never degrade.
These armours weight nothing for those less than expert in size.
And these armours weigh nothing when not worn. 
Only those rising hero and above AND wearing/wielding these items will the
items have weight to them.
These items are not better than anything you buy at bubba. Or maybe they are
a slight bit less. So then you have a reason to hit bubba if you are willing
to spend cash.

This would allow newbies to not have encumbrance issues and also be able to
wear solid gear especially for their size. Tiring out is annoying and when
youare small and wear armours you do tire fast.

That said I can think of another way to maybe allow magical weapons to save
on you as you log out.

1) This is for magic weapons or weapons above some hit/pin etc.
2) You must be wearing/wielding the items ... so you cant horde 50 things etc.
3) If you are logged out more than 24hrs ... every six hours your item
   Weapons have six levels of degrade.
   Armours have five levels of degrade. 
   Level descriptions for: Weapon-condition
   in prime condition, in a fine condition, touched by battle, scarred by
   battle, very scarred by battle, in big need of a smith and going to break
   any second.
   Level descriptions for: Armour
   in prime condition, a little worn down, in a very bad shape, in urgent
   need of repair and going to break any second.
   So if you are logged out 24 at 30hrs your item degrades one. 
   Weapon is at in a fine condition and armour is at a little worn down.

   At 36hrs .... weapon is touched by battle and armour is in a very bad shape

   42 ....armour urgent .. 48 ... armour going to break any second .. 
   so at 54hrs of log out your armours are gone.

   And obviously at 60hrs of log out your weapons are gone. 

So you log in at 60hrs and your magical or items over 40/40 are gone. All
the rest are still there.

The above does allow for you to log in repair items and start the timer over.
So perhaps items also degrade like they do in combat and eventually the item
will 'break'. I dont know how ot solve this as I can imagine some just being
jerks and putting an BMP or something on their alt and keeping anyone 
from getting that one etc.

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