Suggestion and additional ideas

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Suggestion and additional ideas

Post by Kjartan » 28 Jan 2021 00:31

Hello everyone,

I realised that Mudlet and I will likely never become friends. But even though I am a newbie, or maybe especially because I am a noob, I miss some features in the web client. Especially the indicators for food and drinks.

So the wonky bear tinkered a bit with the web client, and this is the result:


Note: Originally I asked here if offered to apply my changes to the client - but I have meanwhile rewritten them to work trigger-based. That's why it's in "Feature Request". The forum seems apparently not to support the strikethrough-tags of BBCode, so I just simply removed the old block and replaced it with this new text:
A 'quick&dirty' trigger approach has been released just a few minutes ago ('dirty' for sure, maybe a lot less 'quick' though), and during the day I will hopefully also have a 'final' (but also triggered) version of it, and who ever want's to use it, can just do so by their own choice (hopefully it will be fine on mobile, I doubt it - but let's be realistic, it makes no sense on a phone anyway, so just go with the already existing standard). I will later add the code (or link if it gets too long) here.

Totally unrelated (and I'm unsure if I probably should have started a separate thread for it), I have recognised a few things while tinkering with the client. Mainly the use of Google Analytics. Now, I fully understand why it's used, but if something has "Google" in it, and even "anal" as well - I'm always a bit, mh, let's say, I'm a bit reserved. I don't mind at all Genesis to have the collected data, as it is absolutely legit and in the end it is for my own good (if they know about the usage of the client, they can improve it accordingly etc). But Google really doesn't need this data. In fact, Google (as well as GenesisMUD) currently doesn't even receive this data in my case, and I guess it will be similar for some other players, too, if they block all traffic towards Google. What sounds like a dilemma, doesn't have to be one. I forgot their current name, but there is some project, called "matomo", which tries to solve this (formerly known as piwik. Every additional software, brings new maintenance effort. And requires additional resources. I am aware of that. But it's not like Google never changes things, so Google's solution comes probably not fully maintenance free either. I am also offering to help setting it up - I don't think it would become too dramatic to swap those two. The gain would be: Genesis receives the data also of those who block Google, while everyone else could stop sharing more information about their daily habits with Google than necessary,

Kind regards,
ʕ•̫͡•ʔ aka Kjartan aka Augustus
Last edited by Kjartan on 28 Jan 2021 13:01, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Suggestion and additional ideas

Post by Arman » 28 Jan 2021 08:46

I like it!

While on the topic of client improvements, i reckon a tab next to magic map that indicated armour / weapon damage would be nifty too!

Maybe also burden level?

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Re: Suggestion and additional ideas

Post by Kjartan » 28 Jan 2021 12:43

Burden level is quite likely to be added at some point. Weapon/armour damage unlikely though (because I haven't seen the relevant "parts" yet and would have basically no clue, how to do it). I mean, at least by me - can't speak about what's maybe planned officially by the GenesisMUD team (or maybe some other player comes up with something).

And very likely I might also add two buttons to save/load existing triggers (but just as 'all or nothing'). AS far as I've seen I should have everything I need to do so; and this would be really something I think would be more than useful. So, hopefully this might happen soon.

If anyone of you has more ideas - you are welcome to suggest. Keep just 2 things in mind:
  • I'm just a player myself (so my possibilities have limits in general)
  • I really suck in programming web related things, even though I'm good in pretending I'm not. So I don't really enjoy programming web things most of the time, and/because it takes me quite a lot of time to get things happen. So don't get angry or be disappointed if I simply don't want to do something, and even if I say I will do something, it might take a while or might be even never finished
But I usually will try to contribute. So just suggest, and maybe you are lucky. And if not, well, at least you tried.

Kind regards,

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Re: Suggestion and additional ideas

Post by Drazson » 28 Jan 2021 14:24

There seems to be little space left, and we'd like to avoid cluttering I assume. The 2 you added are neat-looking though, I think.

We are missing intox and encumbrance in order to get all the nice <v> stuff which makes me think we'll just <v> anyway... Hmm not sure.

Also, I assume those would vanish in narrower views?

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Re: Suggestion and additional ideas

Post by Kjartan » 28 Jan 2021 16:14

I don't know what would happen in narrow view. They should stay but get more narrow (because the statusbars-div isn't part anymore of the sidebar - BUT the controls bar is now - so one would lose access to those two buttons).

I've no idea what you meant with the <v> thing.

Regarding lack of space: The bars would look actually quite pretty even if they were just as wide as the text (and since you have only 5 percentages possible per bar, it's not even like you would miss out with a quick glance (even with less than half the size one can easily say, if it's 0/25/50/75/100 percent).

Anyway, Discord people just got it a few minutes ago, and here it is for you in all its 1177 character compact glory :

Code: Select all

(function x(v){if(!$("#food")[0]){$('#client')[0].append($('#inputbar')[0],$('#statusbars')[0]);$('#controls')[0].append($('#status')[0]);$('#sidebar')[0].append($('#controls')[0]);$('#statusbars')[0].innerHTML+="<div id='food'><div class='progress' style='background-color: #295705;'></div><div class='text'></div></div><div id='drink'><div class='progress' style='background-color: #053f57;'></div><div class='text'></div></div>";$('#health')[0].style.width=$('#fatigue')[0].style.width=$('#food')[0].style.width=$('#drink')[0].style.width=$('#mana')[0].style.width="calc(20% - 15px)";$('#inputbar')[0].style.width="calc(60% - 22px)";$('#statusbars')[0].style.bottom="55px";$('#controls')[0].style.padding=$('#inputbar')[0].style.bottom="3px";$('#status')[0].style.paddingRight=$('#connect')[0].style.position=$('#controls')[0].style.width=$('#controls')[0].style.right=$('#opensettings')[0].style.position='initial';}$("#drink .progress")[0].style.width=''+("amol ".indexOf(v.drink[12])*25)+'%';$("#food .progress")[0].style.width=''+(" orem".indexOf([11])*25)+'%';$("#food .text")[0];$("#drink .text")[0].innerText=v.drink;})(mud.gmcp['char.vitals'])

Code: Select all

as type. The pattern is

Code: Select all

and it should be pasted as javascript. It runs right after login (or just after a bit of waiting once it was added). The part which rewrites the GUI will run only once, while the updates run automatically every now and then (whenever the server sends new vitals). So even if it is almost no code, and looks like something is missing, it's fine.


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Re: Suggestion and additional ideas

Post by kelrhys » 29 Jan 2021 17:03

Kjartan wrote:
28 Jan 2021 12:43

And very likely I might also add two buttons to save/load existing triggers (but just as 'all or nothing'). AS far as I've seen I should have everything I need to do so; and this would be really something I think would be more than useful. So, hopefully this might happen soon.
This feature, along with the ability to keep a continuous log (ideally with a toggle button, similar to how it works with other clients) would catapult the web client forward an order of magnitude. I will post the partial solution Celse and Kari developed and I tweaked to add ability to separately log the communications window on the Discord server #codestuff channel in case you are interested in merging this functionality into your other efforts.

Welcome to Genesis and thanks for your immediate contributions!


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