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Aalez is a filthy, newbie attacking thief

Posted: 19 Jan 2022 21:23
by Qwer

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I was innocently hunting my newbie self around solace, killing babies, old men,
and knights, like ye do
Suddenly, none other than Aalez the Dragonbane, Lady Warrior of Solamnia and
Devout Disciple of Kiri-Jolith attacked me out of the blue
Something to clear up, I am veteran, Aalez is myth. Veteran vs Myth. Not really
a fair fight
Aalez beat me unconsious and put me on DD before proceeding to steal my
'ranger' armour
1. unusual Gondorian steel bracers. (NOT ranger armour, jsyk. If you havent
ever noticed, rangers arent Gondorian soldiers)
2. camouflaged platemail. (the only actual ranger armour that this MYTH stole
from an innocent VETERAN)
3. bloody skull club. (Bro...thats not even from middle earth...)
So, should we support knights in their newbie attacking endevours?
Maybe we should just set up pit fighting matches between myth sized knights and
fresh-out-of-tutorial greenhorns?
That seems fair, right?
They're filthy thieves
Qwer Zaash of the Grinning Skull