Remembering Finwe

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Remembering Finwe

Post by Cherek » 01 Apr 2022 04:58

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Hello Genesis,

It is with a heavy heart that I must bring you the very sad news 
that the real life person behind a wizard and player in Genesis 
passed away tonight. Chuck Cady was mainly known as Finwe in Genesis, 
but you may also have encountered his mortal player Katie in your 

When Finwe resigned as Liege of Gondor some time ago, he told me 
that has was dealing with some health issues, but I never thought 
I would be writing this post just a year and a half-ish later. 
Without going into too much detail, Finwe's illness eventually led 
to him being hospitalized due to multi-organ failure, and his life 
could not be saved.

The character Finwe is 2878 days 3 hours 20 minutes 48 seconds old,
so, as you can imagine, he will leave a very big empty void in the 
wizard world. When I type <who w>, Finwe SHOULD be there, but he is

While both me and Finwe have been around since the 90s, I didn't
really know him until we worked on the Halfling racial guild together
some half a decade ago. After that we spent many late nights (for me) 
talking about Genesis and life in general. I will truly miss those
conversations, and I will miss a friend.

Finwe created many different areas and guilds all over the realms
during his many years as a wizard. He also held several different 
positions, including Liege of both Gondor and Faerun, and he also 
served as Arch of Players for a time. Trying to list everything he 
created would be a futile mission, but I can safely say that every
single player in Genesis is most likely using or visiting _something_ 
Finwe has created every time they play.

I have created a statue of Finwe and placed it the Memorial Garden 
south of Sparkle. Please go there, and <share> your fondest memories 
of Finwe (or Katie), so that Chuck will always be remembered as long 
as Genesis exists.

When I am writing this, the statue has only a temporary placeholder
description. Varian, who knew Finew better than me, has promised to 
update the statue description tomorrow.

Cherek - Keeper of Genesis

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