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Open Letter to the Genesis Community

Posted: 05 Jun 2022 18:40
by Lilith

Code: Select all

(posted to the Common Board with permission from Cherek)

I am taking the summer off from coding in Genesis. But before I go, I want
to share a few things with the community.

I created my first character sitting at a dumb terminal in a VAX/VMS lab at
college in November 1992, and some of my dearest RL friendships still exist
from those early days 30 years ago. Some of you reading this have been here
for years so you know what I am talking about. Genesis is more than 'just a
game' for many people -- it is where we started our journeys to adulthood,
made our first 'internet friends', fell in love, learned how to re-invent
ourselves through role-play, polished our storytelling, learned how to code
and started fabulous careers, etc.

I want you to know that it is in our power as a Community to support each
other in our development as people and make the Game a better place for
ourselves and those who follow us. Genesis can flourish for another 30
years -- if you are willing to be decent humans to each other, even those
you don't like. We don't have to sink to the lowest levels of the internet
like some *chan, reddit, and gamer groups do. Genesis is not a zero-sum
game. We can all 'win' here, playing the hero/anti-hero in our own stories,
if we just we stopped crapping on each other and especially on the wizard
volunteers who keep things running and new content coming. Genesis is big
enough for all our egos. Really ;)

I am writing this because months of griefing from a certain group of players
in and out of game has sapped my ganas (desire) to contribute to Genesis.
Sadly, my experience is not unique as a wizard. Over the years many have just
up and left because they felt abused by mortals. I thought about giving up
on Genesis and leaving too, but ultimately agreed with those who persuaded me
to stay that me leaving means that the bullies win and Genesis loses. And the
bullies shouldn't win. They shouldn't necessarily lose either, but instead
learn about the impacts of their actions and hopefully become better members
of our community by reforming their behavior. So I'm taking the summer off,
and the bullies and their enablers, who will (and should) feel called out by
this note, will perhaps think a bit about how their actions have consequences
not just to themselves, but to the Game as a whole. And hopefully, in a few
months, I'll want to come back and get to work on more fun stuff :)

I have always believed that the continuation of Genesis requires a focus on
what makes players happy. It isn't much of a game without players, right? You
are important, each and every one of you, and I love creating content for you
and watching you interact with it. But I'd like to remind you that Genesis
wouldn't exist without the efforts of the many, many people who took the time
to learn LPC and then contribute in ways that you do not. Wizards are volun-
teers and we contribute valuable time and skills out of love for Genesis.
Every day we are here trying to build a better game for us all to play.

We have reached a point where every productive wizard 'lost' is irreplaceable,
because fewer than 1 in 10 'new' wizards actually implements an apprentice
project in their first year, never mind attains the knowledge and skills
needed to run things behind the curtain. It is a lot easier to play in Genesis
than it is to code for Genesis, and wizards who run afoul of mortals usually
don't stick around for more abuse. Wizards are held to a different standard of
behavior that leaves us effectively unable to protect/defend ourselves and our
reputations and still remain wizards, so we usually leave. This kind of loss
of 'institutional knowledge' is not sustainable. Thus, those of you players
who grief wizards do a major disservice to the game as a whole, and I'd like
to ask more of you to keep that in mind when pursuing your agendas and grudges.

This is a good place to insert the URL to a note Cherek posted a couple of
years ago, about Fact Checking and Critical Thinking, and Rumor Spreading:

The next time someone tries to suck you into a whisper campaign about someone,
especially a wizard, don't take the bait. Let the AoP or AoD know. Wizards
actions are highly scrutinized in the wizard realm, and messages to the AoP
or AoD about concerns you have about a wizard are always investigated. If
you are being harassed by others in the community--in or out of game--speak
up and ask the AoP for help. Hopefully Mirandus and Cherek will be able to
resolve things for you. They are 'good eggs' who put far too many hours into
Genesis trying to get everyone to 'just get along and play nice' with each
other. They don't get enough appreciation for their efforts, probably because
they tend to err on the side of being nice (ie leading by example) when the
rules often call for harsher consequences.

As I prepare to pack it up for the summer, I'll ask you to please don't be
a jerk like the ones who griefed me and others over the past year or two.
Be a better person than they are. Try thinking about the consequences to the
Game as a whole. Whether you like someone or not, they contribute their own
uniqueness to the game, and that's a good thing--so making them uncomfortable
enough to leave is a loss. As members of the Genesis community we all have
so much to offer each other beyond the toxicity of a few bad apples. We can
offer each other a lifetime of fun, companionship, and adventure.

Thank you in advance, and best wishes for a Covid-free, fun-filled summer,


Re: Open Letter to the Genesis Community

Posted: 05 Jun 2022 20:37
by Thalric
Have a wonderful summer.
I hope you return with renewed energy and interest in making fun stuff.

Re: Open Letter to the Genesis Community

Posted: 06 Jun 2022 16:18
by Emmiline Calaith
It makes me so sad that this happened.

I'm so sorry you went through that Lilith. And I'm sorry it drove you away. Thank you for all that you've done.

Re: Open Letter to the Genesis Community

Posted: 06 Jun 2022 17:20
by Drazson
Having an opaque structure with clear hierarchies where people affect the game in bigger or smaller ways allows little option but rumors. This has been the crystal-clear choice of the admin team for decades and they don't seem to budge.

Harassment should -of course- not to be allowed to pass. If it was a mortal they would be told to <mail aop>, of course you can communicate directly. Get these people punished, please.

Have some nice summer holidays!

Re: Open Letter to the Genesis Community

Posted: 08 Jun 2022 12:29
by Mersereau
Sometimes change is necessary, especially if you are in a toxic situation.

Don't fear making that decision.

Re: Open Letter to the Genesis Community

Posted: 09 Jun 2022 16:05
by Shesara
Drazson wrote:
06 Jun 2022 17:20
Having an opaque structure with clear hierarchies where people affect the game in bigger or smaller ways allows little option but rumors. This has been the crystal-clear choice of the admin team for decades and they don't seem to budge.

Harassment should -of course- not to be allowed to pass. If it was a mortal they would be told to <mail aop>, of course you can communicate directly. Get these people punished, please.

Have some nice summer holidays!
I will politely disagree with this.

Having "little option, but rumours" especially. Everyone is allowed to have an opinion, but why do people always have to discuss every little detail about everything changed by the Wizards, as if it was a personal insult? Some battles are worth fighting, but where do we draw a line and accept that this is just the normal progression of a game?

Let the Wizards do their work and SUGGEST changes. As players, we have no stake in this, except we choose to spend time here, playing the game. These Wizards are volunteers, who have spent literally hundreds of hours working to create the best game possible for us to enjoy. They have set goals for our game and do the best they can to achieve those goals.

This leads me to the comment about "opaque structure": This game is not a democracy in the sense that players get to decide what rules are set for the game. We as players are here to play the game, with rules defined by volunteers, who do their utmost to make it fun for everyone. No one is perfect, but why do we need to be able to see and discuss every tiny change to the game?

I commend Lilith for adapting to the "request" for information; it's always great to see what is being changed in a domain. But, unfortunately, from what I heard and read, that change came when players started rumours about possible cheating. Everyone suddenly demanded to check every detail of Lilith's work for hints of cheating. I sincerely doubt a more "opaque structure" will remove this layer of mistrust. Wizards have already gone to great lengths to improve over the years, but players still engage in ridiculous rumours.

Play the game, for Heaven's Sake! Have fun. Stop looking for faults in the actions of your Neighbours!

Re: Open Letter to the Genesis Community

Posted: 09 Jun 2022 16:33
by Drazson
Shesara wrote:
09 Jun 2022 16:05
I will politely disagree with this.
You're very welcome to!
Shesara wrote:
09 Jun 2022 16:05
Having "little option, but rumours" especially. Everyone is allowed to have an opinion, but why do people always have to discuss every little detail about everything changed by the Wizards, as if it was a personal insult? Some battles are worth fighting, but where do we draw a line and accept that this is just the normal progression of a game?
I am not sure what changes have to do with anything. I had in mind rumours like
  • X wizard and Y player are real life brothers which is why Y always gets off the hook.
  • X wizard was kicked in the past for cheating and now allowed back
  • X player has been using this bug to get free sup guru defence
  • X guild knew about Y bug from wizard who misimplemented intentionally and they all abused it
The list goes on and on, ebb and flow of time and Genesis rumours.
Shesara wrote:
09 Jun 2022 16:05
As players, we have no stake in this, except we choose to spend time here, playing the game. These Wizards are volunteers, who have spent literally hundreds of hours working to create the best game possible for us to enjoy. They have set goals for our game and do the best they can to achieve those goals.
This part is beyond me. Our time is valuable. If wizards spent "literally hundreds of hours" then a ton more players spent literally hundreds of hours on their own. And of course we know that the only thing in hundreds are the days, which makes it a serious investment into a hobby for both.
Shesara wrote:
09 Jun 2022 16:05
This game is not a democracy [...]
You are correct, it's not a democracy. I am - even if vaguely - indicating how much the current structure obviously sucks for everybody. Does, in your opinion, work well?
Shesara wrote:
09 Jun 2022 16:05
I sincerely doubt a more "opaque structure" will remove this layer of mistrust.
You must have meant "a more transparent structure". The problem in this case was not mistrust but harassment. Mistrust is a thing that happens, it can be warranted and if it tied to in-game facts, then it might warrant exclusion or whatever.
* I am not informed at all and do not wish to discuss the particular topic by saying this.

It would definitely remove a layer of mistrust in terms of whether somebody fucks up (not due to skill but ill-intent) and that has consequences. Court in session girls and boys.
Shesara wrote:
09 Jun 2022 16:05
Play the game, for Heaven's Sake! Have fun. Stop looking for faults in the actions of your Neighbours!
The neighbours are sometimes out to spoil your fun (and of course there are rumors, truths and in-betweens in this). It can happen between players considering we are in the same digital world and affecting eachother, it can happen between wizards and players if the wizards make the game worse in some peoples' perception, it can also go the other way when people manage to break/fuck up/misuse/exploit/ignore/mock wizards' work. Each of us is ever so slightly pushing towards a place where in their view things are better and I would find it curious if it were any other way really.

Re: Open Letter to the Genesis Community

Posted: 09 Jun 2022 18:01
by Raelle
Drazson wrote:
09 Jun 2022 16:33
Shesara wrote:
09 Jun 2022 16:05
Having "little option, but rumours" especially. Everyone is allowed to have an opinion, but why do people always have to discuss every little detail about everything changed by the Wizards, as if it was a personal insult? Some battles are worth fighting, but where do we draw a line and accept that this is just the normal progression of a game?
I am not sure what changes have to do with anything. I had in mind rumours like
  • [1]X wizard and Y player are real life brothers which is why Y always gets off the hook.
    [2]X wizard was kicked in the past for cheating and now allowed back
    [3]X player has been using this bug to get free sup guru defence
    [4]X guild knew about Y bug from wizard who misimplemented intentionally and they all abused it
The list goes on and on, ebb and flow of time and Genesis rumours.
Hi, here are some suggestions. I took the liberty of numbering your list.

[1] <mail AOP>
[2] People change, times change, policies change, and it's unlikely that any non-wizard knows the full details. This is not a personal attack on your ability to enjoy the game. Feel free to monitor this new wizard. If you see something, say something. <mail AOP>.
[3] <bug> <mail AOP> <mail [domain]>. Accept that it's not possible to go back in time and carefully undo all the benefits that anyone may have squeezed out of this exploit.
[4] See #3, and also consider that if you don't have first-hand experience (i.e. as a member of the guild), you are very likely operating on incomplete, incorrect, or out-of-date information.

If there is a wizard you don't wish to engage with for any reason, reach out to another.

What you do with a rumour is up to you. You can spread it around and make it worse and watch the flames lick away at what we have all built. Or you can take a deep, calming breath and try and address it through the proper channels. Or - and I have found this to be what works best for me - disengage from the rumour mill and make the best of your own little corner of the Donut.

Re: Open Letter to the Genesis Community

Posted: 09 Jun 2022 18:42
by Drazson
First off, as I understand it they would be disallowed to disclose regarding most of those. That answer combined with the one you just gave me is a nice resemblance of the inescapable ping pong of beaurocracy and paints a bleak picture of how we (don't) deal with issues.

Of course, what we do with rumours is up to us. Sometimes (like now) it turns out bad. More so, it seems to be not just "some times" but a systematic thing. For that reason I am saying I want to not have all that crap laying around, at least not by design, not due to a system that breeds them.

Bottom line, you want it that way and you disengage and that's - while not understandable by me - just fine and dandy. Certainly easier to play nice, make grand posts and roll off a collective "we're united" and "let's be better again, together" while absolutely looking the other way as pertains to the actual problem and/or the reason it came up and is allowed to grow time and again with different targets.

Re: Open Letter to the Genesis Community

Posted: 09 Jun 2022 19:32
by Raelle
Drazson wrote:
09 Jun 2022 18:42
First off, as I understand it they would be disallowed to disclose regarding most of those.
what entitles you to any of this information?