The Club, help needed

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The Club, help needed

Post by Cherek » 05 Feb 2023 17:52


First of all. Before you post a reply to this thread - READ THE ENTIRE POST! if you fail to follow my instructions because you were too lazy to read the entire post, then it's completely on you when your post is removed :)

So, as many of you already know there is a project going on that aims to setup a Genesis page on The idea is to allow all players do donate real life money to Genesis, and the money will go directly to paid ads in order to bring in more players.

In previous donation campaigns (ages ago) all players who donated were given a small in-game brooch as thanks, and their names are also mentioned on the marble columns found around Genesis.

For the Patreon page, which will be a continuous and more automated donation campaign, the in-game reward will be that players who donate to Genesis will be allowed to join a new club in Sparkle. The club will provide a small medal (similar to the old brooch, for those who have that), as well as some emotes and (for some) also a title in your description. That's it. So, just standard cosmetic club stuff.

And I want to stress that you will of course NEVER get any sort of in-game benefit by donating money, and Genesis will always be completely free to play. We'll of course never go down the "pay to win" route. Donating will be completely voluntarily, and so will joining the club be. So, you can of course also donate completely anonymously without joining the club, if you prefer.

Now, as I mentioned above, this club will come with a small medal, a description title (for some), and some emotes (10 to be exact). I thought it would be nice if the emotes all came from YOU, the playerbase. And no, it's not because I am too lazy to write them myself, but I figured since the club is about donating and contributing to players, it would be fitting if the emotes are mainly player-made. And with 'players' I of course include both mortals and wizards.

The club will be called "The Toroid Appreciation Club", and the goal of the club is to celebrate the toroid(donut)-shaped world we all live on. Members of the club can be of all races, guilds, align, and gender, but they all have one thing in common - they all appreciate 'The Donut', that is, the world of Genesis. So, the range of emotes can be pretty broad. It can be anything from things related to fiddling with/polishing/showing your 'toroid-shaped medal' to any sort of expression that simply celebrates the toroid shape or the world of Genesis as whole.

Every mortal player who contributes with at least one emote that is selected for the club (by me) will also receive 1 ordinary imbuement stone of their choice OR 500 platinum coins. Whichever you prefer. Note that it's one reward per player, not per character or per suggestion that is selected.

You suggestions should be posted for all to see in this thread since your suggestions might also help inspire others. This is mainly a collaborative effort, not a competition. So, let's help each other out, not fight for the imbeument/money reward, okay?

Suggestions submitted in any other way will NOT be considered. Sorry, but keeping things in ONE place makes it so much easier for me compared to people sending in stuff through in-game mail, Discord general chat, Discord PMs, forum PMs, etc.

Finally, this thread is STRICTLY for submitting your emote suggestions. It's perfectly fine to be inspired by someone else's suggestion and improve on it (I will give you both a reward if it's a collaborate effort). However, posts that contain anything else than ideas for emotes will be removed. If you want to discuss the actual club, Patreon, or something else, please start a new thread for that. Complaints on other people's suggestions will not be tolereated either (and you don't have to start a new thread for that!)

Thanks in advance for your help!

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Re: The Club, help needed

Post by Rache » 05 Feb 2023 18:27

<Rache smiles slyly, knowing he has paid to win.>

KIDDING! How about...

<Rache smiles benevolently, twirling his <name of token item> in his fingers.>

<Rache looks relieved, knowing he has done his part to preserve the donut.>

<Rache recants the tale of when the continued existence of Genesis was at stake, the bravest forces of the realms gathered and gained a stunning victory!> (Stolen from the toroid-shaped brooch.)

Not my forte, clearly, but love the idea!

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Re: The Club, help needed

Post by TaranGoatWalker » 05 Feb 2023 18:32

I always liked the treehouse club ones.

<Taran whacks everyone on the head with his 'token' reminding them of the joy that the donut brings.>
<Taran slings his medal uncomfortably close to 'target's head, encouraging those who can, to help however they can.> (Thanks to Rache)
<Taran reminds everyone of where the gizmo came from.>

<Taran takes a moment to stop, and revere the realms, their creators, their maintainers, the players who bring life to them and how that all combines to create something truly special.>
Stabby stabby stab stab.

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Re: The Club, help needed

Post by nils » 05 Feb 2023 20:30

Nils lowers his head and smiles as he turns his pockets inside out, knowing he gave everything he had for you.
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Re: The Club, help needed

Post by zelie » 06 Feb 2023 00:25

- Zelie breathes on her <token item> and buffs it to a shine, musing on the perfection of its shape.
- Zelie pauses to give thanks to the wise, creative souls who built this donut on which she stands. (nod to Taran)
- Zelie pulls you aside and whispers cryptically, "Without a hole, a donut is just a lump of bread."

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Re: The Club, help needed

Post by zelie » 06 Feb 2023 00:37

- Zelie bops along singing, "They built this donut, they built this donut on blocks of code!"

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Re: The Club, help needed

Post by gold bezie » 07 Feb 2023 22:26

Goldbezie hums an old melody, while questioning herself if money can buy happiness

great idea btw
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Re: The Club, help needed

Post by Tristan » 08 Feb 2023 10:57

Lesher touches his appreciation club token and a brief smile lights his face as he remembers his first day here.

Lesher idly twirls his appreciation medallion and it glints in the sun blinding you momentarily.

Lesher reaches for his appreciation medallion and briefly panics when he can't find it.

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Re: The Club, help needed

Post by Mersereau » 08 Feb 2023 13:08

<PC> bites down on his/her brooch in frustration.
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Re: The Club, help needed

Post by qwertheangmarim » 08 Feb 2023 15:53

Qwer briefly ponders what kind of donut the Donut is.

Qwer stares hungrily at her medallion, wishing there was a real donut to eat.

Qwer tries to take a big bite out of her medallion! Ouch!!

Qwer offers a brief prayer to the Donut Wizards, great gods of ultimate POWER!

Qwer's Donut medallion starts to shine brightly, filled with the greatest power, the power of money!!
