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input for fb, insta and twitter

Posted: 07 Jun 2023 08:46
by gold bezie
Hello all,

Some people have come together to work on the promotion of Genesis.
I think there is already a lot that could be great to put on social media.
But ofcourse that would not be the correct thing to do, without the permisson of the
people who created it.

There are great minstrels out there who made amazing songs, like Eliola, Anniyas and Ranluk (just some names, i know there are many more). So i wanted to ask any minstrel who has created a good song and would not mind sharing it, to share those with Greneth on discord (and if you dont have discord you can contact me).

Same goes for the storytellers (yes im pointing a very large finger at you my snarling sister Bard of the Donut Zillian). If you have any story you would like to share, please do.

Also thinking of the artists who created (with or without AI). Ive seen some pretty nice creations of people over the years.

As soon as Greneth has enough in the pocket, we can use it to be active on social media.

Thanks guys

Re: input for fb, insta and twitter

Posted: 09 Jun 2023 14:09
by Eloila
I do have one song or two that I don't mind to share, but none of the top 20 ones, because someone in my family might recognize them.