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Game slowly losing its fun and magic?

Posted: 16 Jul 2023 08:50
by Budwise
Seems more and more fun or magic items are slowly nixed
making the game more grey and bland? Just me?

If the game isn't creative and engaging, how are we going to get and keep new players?
Endless grind and "who's biggest in stats"?


Re: Game slowly losing its fun and magic?

Posted: 16 Jul 2023 09:42
by Brentan
Do you have any specific examples? Maybe that could be an arrow pointing to the problem to be fixed.

Re: Game slowly losing its fun and magic?

Posted: 17 Jul 2023 04:13
by Mirandus
I agree with Brentan with the desire for specifics,

I'm trying to be creative as possible in everything I make. If there are fun ideas, I'm open to them. I'm a Kender with two domains after all :)

Re: Game slowly losing its fun and magic?

Posted: 17 Jul 2023 09:58
by Budwise
Mirandus wrote:
17 Jul 2023 04:13
I'm a Kender with two domains after all :)
Lemme guess. You "borrowed" one? :)

No, I just feel more and more emotes and what have you get removed.
And lately no wolves at giants, although I did read your mail,
so natural and temporary explanation on that.

Costumes from Mvsevm are goners too, since they apparently need
to lose the very abilities that made them fun. Sure, you don't want anyone
walking into another guild and raiding racks wearing a costume but still...

At least hold some events where we can use em. I miss being a dragon.

So it's not like I keep a list I can quote you. Just feels the magic and fun
is slowly draining and being replaced with something more akin to RL.
Or semimindless botplayers grinding and grinding.

Could just be nostalgia and old age setting in. And now: Get Off Mah Lawn, Dang Kids! :)


Re: Game slowly losing its fun and magic?

Posted: 17 Jul 2023 13:18
by Cherek
Budwise: Ah, so this is really about the dragon costume again... :) As you know they are part of the Scavenger Hunt event, and its been a few years since we ran those, since Gorboth has opted for running his trick or treat event the last few years, and that event comes with its own costume competition, so we can't really have the other costume shop open at the same time. If we don't run the costume competition we can probably open the other shop during Halloween season because I think most (maybe all) loophole issues were fixed by Arman some years ago. But no, I don't think it should be open year round. Then Halloween loses its charm I think.

Speaking of costumes, and talk about fun and magic. The trick and treat event is one of the most fun things created in many years if you ask me. So, there is still definitely fun and magic stuff being added to the game. I mean, the costumes and candy created in that event is even better than your dragon costume if you ask me.

Plenty of other fun and magic things have been added lately too: Like dirty the old diaper that sometimes clone with an imbue. That's fun! Lilith's catacomb area is full of fun and cool stuff. Gorboth's crazy-quirky advent calendar event. The special event rewards I (with some help) made when I was AoE, for example the wearable extra arm that hits people. The Yule lottery is full of fun stuff. The fishing system is fun, and even includes a wearable robe made of worms(!). Private houses are definitely fun I think. And I am sure there is lot of other things as well, these were just some examples off the top of my head.

So, yes, the dragon costume is gone, and apparently some wolves have changed(?) but overall I think a lot of _fun_ stuff is still created and added to the game - and we very rarely remove any of the old stuff other.

Maybe it's the players that have changed, and have become more boring? :)

Re: Game slowly losing its fun and magic?

Posted: 17 Jul 2023 16:36
by Budwise
"Maybe it's the players that have changed, and have become more boring?"

No! Now let me be a dragon! Roaaaawww!

Re: Game slowly losing its fun and magic?

Posted: 21 Jul 2023 01:42
by Snowrose
holloween is just around the corner, who knows what new things will be added,

Re: Game slowly losing its fun and magic?

Posted: 21 Jul 2023 20:58
by Quantum
Examples - Killed Mergula 50 times and all I got was cloaks....killed octo 50 times and all I got was necklaces.....boring! And a huge time sink.

Tonight we killed Benton and you know what he had? Wait for it.....nothing! Well not nothing but he only had dweller armour and a dweller sword. No ice-blue eyes, no tanto...nothing....what the hell is going on? Clearly in top 3 with Nazgul and Balrog on the list of scary monsters and nothing? That's not fun and magic....that's a long a$$ fight requiring herbs and healers and tiiiiiime. And nothing? I liked the good old days when I could put Kernan on my remember list and I knew he always had a dragonscale armour if I got to him first....that was fun...the new "balanced" Genesis is not as fun as that.

We're down to low number of players again, I know summer vacation time, everyone is out of office and not playing. But then could we make a summer event where everyone have their items all the time? So we can have some fun?? It will all be gone by christmas due to breaking on running out of time anyway :D

Re: Game slowly losing its fun and magic?

Posted: 21 Jul 2023 21:14
by TaranGoatWalker
Benton should always spawn with good stuff I thought?

Re: Game slowly losing its fun and magic?

Posted: 23 Jul 2023 09:17
by Alorrana
As we grow older we just dont have the same time, energy or imagination for this game I suppose.

The slowed down combat or change to combat system or what ever we call it, Benched it for me. 2-3 hrs for a minimal progress and with little to no reward (items, gear, ect ect.) simply made it a drain to play. I was already in a slow dps guild and then getting slowed down even further.. man that´s tough! Sure we can/could tank more, but Jeepers.. Just took way to much time and was not fun.

Lack of people to fill guilds is also a major problem. There arent enough mates to team with. Guilds are mostly 1-3 active people playing in different time zones. (not considering Mercenaries and Glads here) That makes it hard to roleplay and even harder to find any motivation to do Basically you end up writing notes to yourself on the guild boards. Which again leads back to not being fun.

The game it has turned for better or worse, Into a combo hunt. What weapons pair best with imbues and can make me kill faster.. regardless of what guild or race you have to switch to. Its about the weapon combo and making the kill as fast as possible
we all seen people do it.. and take more people with them in this path of madness.. That kinda is a deal breaker for anyone guild loyal and true to their kin.. but it seems to be more and more people choosing this path, Sadly. And this will make the guilds slowly die. I mean I get it.. why would I use a HSC when i could get two speed imbued runed falchions with uber dam..And fire !! Agreed ! why would I ?! Now I would not do this personal, but I understand the fatal attraction of it.

Thats kinda what paused the game for me now.. Will I return? For sure. we all do. will it be the magic of old? No.. Its up to me to create new magic. But the setup that allows the Magic to happen is way harder to handle now a days..

I dont know if any of this makes sense.. but it does to me.. so cheers !