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Saya/Zizuph deleted

Posted: 10 Aug 2023 01:31
by Cherek

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Usually we do not make announcements when a player or wizard is punished or
deleted (which is very rare), however, we have decided to make an exception 
to avoid the spreading of rumours as best as possible.

Today, we have deleted the mortal Saya and the wizard Zizuph.

Saya/Zizuph has not been deleted for one specfic rule violation, instead
it's a pattern of behavior that we simply do not feel is acceptable. Not
for a wizard and not for a player, and since these two characters are so
intertwined and several of the rule violations affect both characters, they 
have both been deleted. It should also be noted that deletion is almost never 
our first option, and in this case Saya/Zizuph has been warned, and later
also, suspended, and then warned again, but unfortunately he has not changed
his behavior.

The rule violations include:

- Failure to separate mortal and wizard characters and failure to be a 
  'wizard first' and keep a low profile as mortal.
- Using 'wiz info' inappropriately.
- As Saya, letting other players know he is also Zizuph, which is against 
  wizard rules.
- Sharing alt and personal info about other players without their consent.
- Inappropriate conduct towards other players in and out of game. 

Deleting a character is always something we use as a last resort, and it
never feels good to delete someone. However, after a very thorough 
investigation, and because previous talks and punishments have not had the 
desired effect, we feel this is the only reasonable action, and an action
we must take.

Cherek, Keeper of Genesis
Mirandus, Arch of Players

P.S. There has been many rumours and accusations surrounding Saya/Zizuph,
and also accusations made against me and the admin. I have written a post
on the forums where I answer some of these rumours, and you are also
welcome to ask any questions you want and I will try to answer them as
best and honestly as I can. There is just one exception, out of respect 
for the involved players I will not answer any questions related to the 
last rule violation in the list above.

Some of you may be unaware of all of this, but for some players and wizards
it's really been a pretty rough year 'drama-wise', and I also feel a lot of 
trust between wizards and mortals have been lost. So, if you also feel it 
would be good to clear the air, I invite you to the forums. Let's talk. I 
am sure you will find the right thread over there. 

Re: Saya/Zizuph deleted

Posted: 10 Aug 2023 20:12
by Thalric
edit: read the keepers corner note

Re: Saya/Zizuph deleted

Posted: 10 Aug 2023 22:05
by Yeren
Cherek, while I understand it was a difficult decision, especially since genesis lacks wizards, I must say that this was a move which will in the long run benefit the game and it’s community.

That person is very specific, and I think our community as a whole did not benefit from his presence. Or should I rather say that the balance of negatives vs positives was in the red…

Years passed but his attitude did not change, time and time again generating the same problems. Thank you both for the decision, I think it will benefit the game.


PS i bet the guy will return, but hopefully will be in a more “contained” role ;)

Re: Saya/Zizuph deleted

Posted: 11 Aug 2023 07:33
by Ckrik
Yeren wrote:
10 Aug 2023 22:05
PS i bet the guy will return, but hopefully will be in a more “contained” role ;)
As much as I enjoyed working with and arguing balance concerns with Zizuph and valued his contributions and insights as a wizard, I don't think that's in the cards with the current set of admins. Maybe some future admin may try yet again, but that's a matter for people who we pass the torch to to decide.

Re: Saya/Zizuph deleted

Posted: 11 Aug 2023 08:57
by Moghiadin
I was never involved or aware of any drama, but the bug fixing and additions Zizuph made in my guild will sorely be missed.