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Posted: 03 Nov 2023 22:44
by gorboth

Code: Select all

Denizens of the Donut,

Naps are important, as I am sure you all will agree. I take them seriously,
and I take them often. Apparently, however, my most recent nap which began
back in January lasted ... er ... a while.

It was, therefore, probably a good thing that I was awoken this morning by
much loud and vigorous thumping on the door of my Nap Shack. What and where
is my Nap Shack, you ask? Never you mind!! I was most disturbed that it was
found by these loud thumpers, and I certainly don't need more of that. But,
I digress.

The thumping stopped when I opened the door. Unfortunately that is when the
yelling and stomping started. These people were up in arms! Here was some
strange society for the preservation of Turkey health or something bizarre,
and they were insisting that I again listen to their demands to allow them
to set up their operation on the Village Green for some event to, as they
put it, "Right all the WRONGS of Thanksgiving."

Something about these folks rung a very old bell ... had I met them before?

Well, I was pretty dizzy from my long nap, and I was prepared to do anything
to bring a halt to the stomping and yelling. I mean ... really. So, apparently
there will be some sort of Thanksgiving Event starting up. Of course, they
insisted that I get specific. So ... here's the early details. I suppose
thanks to more yelling and stomping early next week specifics will emerge
which I will be brow-beaten into sharing with you all.

But for now ......

   |                 =========================                     |
   |                 THANKSGIVING EVENT - 2023                     |
   |                 =========================                     |
   |                                                               |
   |  Start Date: Midnight (00:00:00 game time) of November 11th.  |
   |              (roughly one week from this posting)             |
   |                                                               |
   |  End Date  : Midnight (00:00:00 game time) of November 25th.  |
   |              (two days after Thanksgiving)                    |
   |                                                               |
   |  Location  : Village Green in Sparkle                         |
   |                                                               |
   |  Prizes    : quest experience, and more!!                     |
   |                                                               |

I am now posting this so I can get back to waking up properly, which will
involve a great deal of "coffee". Why do I put that in quotes? NEVER

More next week.