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Finding Ignomy Quest

Posted: 06 Apr 2024 03:35
by vitwitch

Code: Select all

Greetings Questers,

Some folks have had trouble with the Finding Ignomy Quest.

They have done all the hard work, only to find that the
quest giver would not cough up the experience!

Well that has been rectified... so if you had any trouble
please go back, ask about the quest, do what you did
before and get your reward. (No need to "join" if you
do not wish to.)

On a related note... for those that do "join", the club
is confusing and disorienting -- but harmless -- you
cannot hurt yourself or others... so feel free to
experiment and learn or not... hopefully it will
bring you something different.

You could spend your entire waking life recrafting
the world around you or you could shrug IgForgo and
move on with killing stuff... its up to you :)

