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New Arch of Domains and Arch of Events

Posted: 26 Aug 2024 02:46
by Cherek

Code: Select all


I am happy to announce that we now have a brand new 
Arch of Domains. 

Welcome to the admin, Santetra!

This of course means that I am stepping down as AoD. 
However, since I really don't feel comfortable being 
"only" Keeper and Liege of Web, I am gonna grab the
vacant Arch of Events position before someone else does.
After all, I was AoE before, and without the burden of 
the AoD duties, I might actually run some events too!

How does a Scavenger Hunt sounds? It's been a while.

So, to summarize:

New Arch of Domains (AoD): Santetra
New/Old Arch of Events (AoE): Cherek

If anyone is unsure what an AoD and AoE actually does,
we have a very nice summary of all wizard roles, and who
currently holds the positions, on our website:

Cherek, Keeper of Genesis