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Guilds abilities who avoid "Attacks you message!"

Posted: 17 Mar 2010 19:08
by Lindros
Just thought I would bring the topic up, seing how Neidar(or Rockfriends)
got an ability to enter combat without it giving a message that they attack
you(noticed this when Logg attacked me a week ago or so).

Another thing I am curious about is if there are still abilities that enables
people attacking npcs/players that they do not have the DIS to attack

I have a vague memory of a certain guild out there who had an ability
that enabled heroes attacking the massive troll down in Gondor...

Is it just me who find attacks/spells etc that avoid the "attacks you!"
messages annoying?

Re: Guilds abilities who avoid "Attacks you message!"

Posted: 17 Mar 2010 20:22
by Rhynox
Well, the old mercenaries could execute their special without entering combat. Also, the backstab from thieves. And you can get NPCs to attack you with the skull helmet if you have the mana to keep trying. Until four or five years ago neidars couldn't use their specials if they didn't have the discipline to attack (for example, I would enter the yeti room, he would attack me, but I would not be able to crush him since I hadn't the discipline to attack). Fortunately that was changed so that it went like all the other guilds.

Re: Guilds abilities who avoid "Attacks you message!"

Posted: 19 Mar 2010 11:31
by Tarax the Terrible
There is quite a few special attacks that when used to start combat avoid the "attacks you message."
Useful of course to attack people without triggered their special attacks.
Or to catch a scripter who many has a trigger to run away when attacked..

I would have guessed you would like that Lindros?

Re: Guilds abilities who avoid "Attacks you message!"

Posted: 20 Apr 2010 13:50
by Tarax the Terrible
I find annoying specials that effect you but you do not get a message that it has worn off.
So you have to spam trying things to see when it has.

Re: Guilds abilities who avoid "Attacks you message!"

Posted: 21 Apr 2010 03:42
by Rhynox
I don't really mind them. Sure, it breaks triggers, but it is not game breaking. Ashburz stun (if it still worked) doesn't have an ending message, but I don't mind having to type crush again.