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Rack Looters need to die.

Posted: 24 Apr 2010 08:21
by Bromen

Re: Rack Looters need to die.

Posted: 24 Apr 2010 08:54
by cotillion
Kill them!

Re: Rack Looters need to die.

Posted: 24 Apr 2010 09:45
by Bromen
grant me the means to find out who took the guilds items!

Re: Rack Looters need to die.

Posted: 24 Apr 2010 13:33
by Alorrana

Re: Rack Looters need to die.

Posted: 24 Apr 2010 16:06
by Cherek
A way to see who took what and who returned what would be pretty nice. I know some guilds have this, but it would be perfect in a guild like mercs or glads I think. So everyone could se who took what. Then you could actually hunt down and kill the looters. Because its hard to kill someone when you'll never know who "someone" is.

Having said that, not all lost equipment are lost because of thieves and rack-looters. Who havent LD'out with good equipment? Happens all the time. Probably way more often than actual looters.