New layman in ME

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New layman in ME

Post by Rhaegar » 16 May 2010 21:52

ME is quite large and fun area of the game, what it lacks though is some more content for players. Up to my knowledge, there are 3 occ guilds (AA, Rangers and MM) and 3 layman guilds (HotV, TM, T, not counting AA here). Of this layman guilds 2 are good aligned and 1 is neutral.
The thing is, if you want to make a 'pure ME' character, your options are extremely limited, especially for evil players, as they don't have access to any real layman (Tricksters don't really seem fit for that).

Layman guild idea: Stalkers of Moria

Allowed races: orcs and goblins (goblins suffered long enough over the years for them to get some reasonable guild)

Allowed alignments: evil (of course)

Awareness - superior craftsman
Sneak - superior craftsman
Hide - superior craftsman
Knife - superior craftsman
Missiles - superior journeyman
Backstab - superior journeyman
Tracking - superior journeyman
Hunting - superior journeyman
Location Sense - superior journeyman
Climb - superior journeyman
Find and Remove Traps - superior acolyte

Permanent infravision.
Stalk (autosneak).

When exposed to daylight or other bright light (2 torches and more would be suitable I believe) awareness is halved.

Evil players always lacked the ranger-type guild. The guild like this one would not only work towards filling this spot but would also be fully viable both from the Role Playing and general view. It's a bit similar to CoH, but with completely different focus.

Possible alternative:
Scouts of Mordor, available for humans along orcs and goblins. Getting horse/warg riding instead of backstab.
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Re: New layman in ME

Post by Alorrana » 16 May 2010 22:05

Last edited by Alorrana on 31 Aug 2010 12:24, edited 1 time in total.
I’m not a complete idiot. Some pieces are missing.


Re: New layman in ME

Post by Creed » 16 May 2010 22:34

Also those skills are way too many at a way too high level. It would be much more than any other layman guild have at the current time.

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Re: New layman in ME

Post by Makfly » 16 May 2010 22:46

Creed wrote:Also those skills are way too many at a way too high level. It would be much more than any other layman guild have at the current time.
No they are not actually.
The real problem, skill-wise is that some/most of them might actually be too low to be of any use, apart from with Mercenary points perhaps.

Personally, though, I don't think we need another copy of the Cabal of Hiddukel, if anything we need a recode of the Cabal, so that it's worth joining for people and not just an Xp drain. Well, that and have the game not be hard-coded against sneaking into interesting locations/stealing interestin things etc.

Also I agree with Alorrana. Middle Earth still have more potential than any of the other domains, so it'd be nice to have it more fleshed out.

Oh and just for the records, we need more guild options for gnomes! (Or just less race restrictions in general :) )
Mortimor Makfly - Gnomish Xeno-Anthropologist

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Re: New layman in ME

Post by Velicus » 16 May 2010 22:56

Discovering that you could actually be a Nazgul in Genesis was one of the reasons I continued playing after I discovered it. That desire to live out the books is still in me and think it should be made as close to them as possible. My fantasy is something like this...

The free peoples would have appropriate combat occupational guilds... Rohirrim, Gondorians, Elves of Rivendell and Mirkwood, Dwarves of the Lonely Mountain, Bounders of the Shire... rubber stamps of each other code-wise, but still separate with small distinctions (Rohirrim being more focused on mounted combat, elves ranged combat, dwarves with dark vision)

The forces of evil would have their own combat occupational guilds... Guardians of Moria, the White Hand, and Army of Mordor (I don't think Angmar was actually active during the WotR, were they?) Also rubber-stamp of each other, but with distinctions... Moria goblin, orcs, and trolls with some dark vision, White Hand orcs and uruk-hai, Army of Mordor with chance at becoming Nazgul

And yes, I'd prefer to see the Nazgul simply become the leadership of the Army of Mordor to more accurately reflect the books. This would be a bit a significant change, but think of the immersion! Similarly, rangers could be collected from the various free people's guilds

Blah blah blah, not going to happen, LET ME DREAM!!!


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Re: New layman in ME

Post by Enkil » 17 May 2010 06:11

What I would like to see in ME is

Haradrim racial guild

Rohan lay guild (lay only because of the low playerbase, best thing would be occ)

Layman Defender of Minas Tirith

Also Layman White Hand guild would be nice, human (dunlendings and orcs)

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Re: New layman in ME

Post by Velicus » 17 May 2010 13:22

I forgot... the Corsairs of Umbar as part of the forces of Sauron

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Re: New layman in ME

Post by Rhaegar » 18 May 2010 17:52

enkil wrote:What I would like to see in ME is

Haradrim racial guild

Rohan lay guild (lay only because of the low playerbase, best thing would be occ)

Layman Defender of Minas Tirith

Also Layman White Hand guild would be nice, human (dunlendings and orcs)
Well, I'd like to see 3 more OCC guilds there:

1. Corsairs of Umbar
2. Elves of Rivendell
3. Knights of Dol Amroth (or the army of Rohan)
I fear no evil for I am fear incarnate.


Re: New layman in ME

Post by Ilrahil » 18 May 2010 21:12

We do not need more content in the game in Middle Earth! Rather what needs to happen is places like Helm's Deep should be updated. Isengard should be worth some reward for killing there as it is insanely hard. Edoras should not be useless anymore. The entire southern section of ME below Minas Tirith is useless other than for quests and a laymen guild and a club. Compress areas that are useless waste. Expand areas that ought to be expanded. Reopen or fix the Rhovanian domain so that key places like Mirkwood, Lake Town, and the Lonely Island are reopened.

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Re: New layman in ME

Post by Enkil » 18 May 2010 21:26

I agree Ilrahil, it is just that he discussion started with a guild idea. But yes, Middle Earth as domain would benefit from what you mentioned.

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