General discussion on Gorboth's promotion notes

Discuss ideas about promoting Genesis and inviting more players into the Genesis community
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General discussion on Gorboth's promotion notes

Post by Makfly » 06 May 2011 07:07

Is it possible to merge the comments into one thread here, instead of having a potential of 6 different threads under the Common Board forum, where people are basically debating the same topic?

Anyways, I'm just going to start here.
All in all, it's very nice to finally hear some concrete words on it. I still miss some kind of deadline, estimate of when things will kick into action.

There was one thing, though, that I really do not think is a good idea.
Using funds to create a large, physical, color poster as part of the promotion. I think this is a waste of money, considering that the funds will most likely be fairly limited. First of all, it's very expensive to create, and print. Then you need to ship a number of them ALL over the world to distribute the posters to the players. It is all very costly for something that could be done more easily, and with almost as big an effect.
Create a PDF A4 poster* if you will, put it up on the website. Let players themselves get those printed in their local area, and then hang those up.
This could significantly reduce the funds needed, and you will avoid waste by having printed too many, having send posters to places, where they won't get hung up anyways etc.

Personally I think with limited funds, Genesis should focus on a digital promotion campaign, spend the money where you can reach the most potential players.

*Also make a PDF of a A4 with bookmarks. Players can then download and print this, cut them out and sneak them into books in the local library/book shops. This was suggested quite some time ago, but it still a good idea, I think.
Mortimor Makfly - Gnomish Xeno-Anthropologist

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Re: General discussion on Gorboth's promotion notes

Post by Sharn » 06 May 2011 13:09

Gorboth wrote:A bank account has been created, along with a PayPal link to the
email address:
I would like to point one thing and I think it is important.

The email to PayPal link should be - definitely SHOULD be something on domain.

While I am going to donate no matter what email it is as I trust Gorboth...Some fishy email address immediately fired a SCAM ALERT! in my mind.
IMO you should really think about that.

Afterthought: How do I know it is Gorboth who wrote the post? Maybe someone hacked his forum account?
That email really looks fishy.

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Re: General discussion on Gorboth's promotion notes

Post by Cherek » 06 May 2011 14:47

Makfly: I too think if money is to be spent on advertising it should all be spent on digital ads. I have been in that business some and they do work. And they work pretty well. Especially if you target the right people in the right place.

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Re: General discussion on Gorboth's promotion notes

Post by gorboth » 06 May 2011 22:34

The idea is that the artwork of the poster would follow the design of the website artwork - fine-line black and white as I described in the post. This is the visual branding we have decided upon - reminiscent of the old black and white fine-line illustrations from D&D manuals from years past. The cost to print them out for mass distribution is next to nothing - just paper and toner.

Naturally, the idea of a donation requires that you trust the source. Hopefully the fact that the donation address having appeared in a voluminous 6-part Common Board post describing more than five long years of development in great detail is enough to ease anyone's concerns about authenticity.

I'll think about the idea of merging the posts all into one, perhaps in the Keeper's Korner area.


[update - I've done just this. The common board posts are now merged and listed in Keepers Korner. We can take the discussion there. Keep in mind, that in Keeper's Korner only positive energy and constructive discussion is welcome. Self-indulgent or unhelpful use of your posting options will be moderated with extreme prejudice and all sorts of intense eyebrow wiggling.]
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